ok the mission began in 3...2...1

[ the ice jellyfish ]: ha Rhodes Island and Chernobog and doctor is this arknight

[ moon general ]: who and wait

[ the ice jellyfish ]: ok this is the story

[ one hour later ]

[ slime are cute ]: so this oripathy is a kind of cancer and the infected their life...

Rimuru was angery and sad for the infected

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: There is a difference between fighting for freedom and fighting for chaos and as a freedom fighter I don't agree with what they did in Chernobog and this f### used brothers and sisters' blood for his plan this Duke Kashchey even if he is a god I will kill him

Ahma was angery at Duke Kashchey for Polluting the name of the revolution and killing for no reason

[ blood priest ]: killing for no reason IS A SIN

Noah was Priest his job was to help everyone even his enemy this is his god-wise for the world to stop killing for no reason

[the bone samurai ]: may the souls of the dead rest for I will buy their blood debt

Arakan hone clan has said blood for blood life for a life

[ war healer ]: why do they kill each other... will f###ing Demons are at the gate

John was angery at every Government why not become one and help each other

[ goose boss ]: this man named Kashchey is now on my list of the to-kill family is sacred how dear he destroy this sacred bond he must die

as Goosein family owns half the world's Wealth he saw the dark side and was part of it too but the family was sacred even in the underworld

[ moon general ]: killing like this is making me Angry will I need to come down and see you later

Akako was Angry for Remembering the way some nobles treated the commoners

[ the ice jellyfish ]: stop first let us see the mission gave us some stuff like race cards and some IDs and it's random do your card first now I get [Draco] and you

[ moon general ]: mine is [Sankta] it is an angel-like race who use guns.

[the bone samurai ]: I get [Sarkaz/Gargoyle]

[ slime are cute ]: I get [Lung] why did I get a dragon-like race and not an Elf

[ war healer ]: I have the [Elafians ] race... Rimuru do you want to exchange

[ goose boss ]: wow I get a human body now and my race is [Liberi/Hippogryph]

[ blood priest ]: my god gave me a [Hybrids/ Sankta /Vampire] my halo and wings are blood red here my god he accepts me as his angel like you Akako

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: wow I'm a [Sarkaz /Vampire]

[ moon general ]: so how is this work

[ the ice jellyfish ]: look at the back of the card

[race card [Draco] you can change your race to a [Draco] and get their race Skill but your skills are still the same if you want you can go back between your old race and the new one ]

[ slime are cute ]: this is too easy to use let me use it now and now my eyes become red and I have grown two horns my allies are looking at me weirdly and my friend Veldora is looking at me like I'm someone else I will stop it and use it only in missions for now but after I have activated the card I felt my aura change and my body felt somehow weird to me

[note: Rimuru used his card at the ending of the Meeting of Nations and all the leaders of the Nations felt something weird about him ]

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: will my looks now can help me kill noble ladies faster now thanks jellyfish if you need a noble killed just call me I will do it for free

[ moon general ]: with this, I need to practice my shooting skills with guns from the store now Since I'm the best at the sword but my sword feels blunt in this body so I need more practicing looked like some of the army soldiers need my help practicing hehehe [Evil laugh]

[ the ice jellyfish ]: I will be looking at the store now see you later

[ war healer ]: I will look into my race and body more and help defend the walls now bay

[ moon general ]: I need to go practice now bay

[ slime are cute ]: I need to Complete the meeting now so bay

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: my team needs me now to kill this guy so bay

[ goose boss ]: I need to make my wife and family jealous with this new body and get some weapons and practice for this bay

[the bone samurai ]: I have to look at this body feels hard to move first but if I can master it It will be like my younger days killing the army like no tomorrow bay

[ blood priest ]: I will go kill some black blood infected with my new power see you later

[ moon general is offline ]

[ war healer is offline ]

[the bone samurai is offline]

[ slime are cute is offline ]

[ freedom fighters from the future is offline ]

[ goose boss is offline ]

[ blood priest is offline ]

[the bone samurai offline ]

Grey: ok open the lucky shop

[opening the lucky shop]

[you have 500SP ]

Grey looked tell she find What she was looking for

[weapons and armor]

and then she buys this good then she has an inventory


[Grey]: ok let's go leveling up now I stall need my vengeance and vengeance will be mine you f### turtles

[ one day later ]

[Grey]: here you are

in front of Grey is, a cave and some sea turtles are guarding it she will kill all of them and eat them so when the night comes the water turns red and all the turtles were no, where to be found just some blood and ice and a jellyfish in the cave making it her new home

inside the cave, there is a cave field with air inside this cave upper level and it has some plants for oxygen

name; Grey

species: magic fire and ice jellyfish demi-human

age: [5] days

exp: [3000/3450]

level: [30]

hp: [700/700]

mana: [1000/1000]

skill{s}: cold and hot sting{max 10}, ice magic{6}, fire magic{3}, human form{max}, magic breath{5}, Ice Fire magic{1}, bloodlust{2}, thermal Vision{1}

[Grey]: now what do I go killing every then or do I practice my magic why not both I can make the upper level a training room for my magic and guns Since I'm underwater now

[two days and a half later ]

name; Grey

species: magic fire and ice jellyfish demi-human

age: [7] days

exp: [5361/10000]

level: [35]

hp: [1000/1000]

mana: [1500/1500]

skill{s}: killer cold and hot sting{5}, ice magic{8}, fire magic{5}, human form{max}, magic breath{7}, Ice Fire magic{5}, bloodlust{5}, thermal Vision{4}, dark Vision{2}, sword skill{4}, gun skill{5}

[ moon general is online ]

[ war healer is online ]

[ slime are cute is online ]

[ freedom fighters from the future is online ]

[ goose boss is online ]

[ blood priest is online ]

[the bone samurai is online ]

[ the ice jellyfish ]: so is everyone ready for this mission

[ moon general is ]: yes and the guns from the store are too good

[ war healer is ]: Thanks to the store me and my team has escaped death more than one time

[ slime are cute is ]: yes I'm ready and have done all my Jobs in tempest

[ freedom fighters from the future is ]: finally I was angery for some time now I saw a noble kill I little girl Because he was bored and I couldn't do s###

[ goose boss is ]: my family gets me the best guns in this world so yes

[ blood priest is ]: yes if it is saving civilians and killing sinners I'm in

[the bone samurai ]: now even of Susanoo himself come I can kill him

[ the ice jellyfish ]: ok so we will go in two teams me and Arakan Daichi and Ahma and Noah in the first and the second team will have Rimuru and John and Akako Akemi and Goosein the first team will help the doctor and the second team will go help scout and his team and to open a Way for us and the civilians to run I will go after Talulah and Arakan will have to fight Patriot and Noah will fight FrostNova and Ahma will fight Skullshatterer the rest after the second team join us it will be Akako fight Faust and Goosein vs Crownslayer and last Rimuru will go out with of the city the doctor am I clear now

[ moon general ]: I'm ok with this

[ war healer ]: me too

[ slime are cute ]: will I can do this

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: haha I will break Skullshatterer Skull

[ goose boss ]: just let me at her I need to try my new golden gloves on her face

[ blood priest ]: ice fight with blood this is new to me

[the bone samurai ]: fighting a great warrior is a dream for me

[ moon general ]: hey what about Mephisto do we just leave him

[ the ice jellyfish ]: just leave his Rimuru can you make him lose consciousness for some time with a bat and then catch him

[ slime are cute ]: I can do that

[ the ice jellyfish ]: ok let me look at the timer

[The task begins after 7;]

[The task begins after 6;]

[The task begins after 5;]

[ the ice jellyfish ]: ok the mission began in 3...2...1 new world here we come

[note: time stops in the Chat Group member's world if they are on a mission ]

[ chapter end ]