When you shoot someone, expect them to shoot back

Grey opens her eyes to see that she is in a building will a burning one so she active her race card and some scales start growing near her nack and two horns from her head she gets her revolver and wear her gas mask and Kevlar armor and start waking she till she felt someone at her back only to see he is Noah with his blood halo and blood wings and his snow white skin he is holding blood, red sword and Akako with his silver halo and wings in one of his hands is a sword and the other one holds a pistol


[Grey]: hello so how were your first time in a new world and our first meeting

[Akako]: well if we were not in a burning building it Could be better now we need to find the rest of our team it said here doctor will meet Talulah in half an hour

[Ahma]: hello friends this place is better than my house why not live here

Ahma showed up and his face will he is handsome and he has red eyes and two bat wings he is holding a gun of some kind and his knife is ready to kill all his enemies at close range I would have dated him if I did not have a boyfriend

[Noah]: free boy is here now let us go fast I can feel a River of blood outside of this building... HOW DARE THEY KILL THEM FOR NO REASON THEY MAST DIIIIIIIIEEEEEE

Noah run and jumped out of the window and What he saw made him angrier the bodies of children on the ground this was a school as soon as he saw a reunion member and his still bloody sword he run at him and cut him in half his friend was surprised but stall wanted to Shout

[reunion member2]: ENEMIES ATTA...

before he can finish his head had a hole from Ahma's gun but still, reunion members start swarming at us from all sides good thing we get out of the building, and from the building in front of us I can see Rimuru and John and Goosein and Arakan jumped from the building at a group of reunion members his sword skills are no joke Rimuru used his sword skills too John start using his gun to Stab and shoot as for Goosein... is this a golden minigun Rimuru his two horns like an eastern dragon and his beast-like bink eye look will scary, John has two deer horns and I can't see his face from the helmet, as for Arakan his giant body and two upright horns... did he just stabbed someone with his horns and the body is still there, as for Goosein he wears a golden power armor looking then and is holding a golden minigun and at his back is a big golden sniper rifle will why not join in the fun but this was fast in five minutes all of the reunion members were died or dieing

[Grey]: ok we rest for some time then every team goes his Way ok

[Rimuru]: ok I need to get used to this body to getting tired is new to me

[John]: this was fast and easy not like the undead in my world

[after five minutes]

[Grey]: ok remember the story we are doctor friends working to save him ok now let us go

after this me and Arakan Daichi and Ahma and Noah [first team][leader Arakan ][objective: Protect the VIPs until reinforcements arrive]

and Rimuru and John and Akako Akemi and Goosein [second team][leader Akako ][objective: Save anyone you see and open an escape route and then meet the first team]

[first team] pov

[Grey]: we will be there soon after this building can you destroy it Arakan

[Arakan]: easy

after this, he swings his sword and the building is now debris and dust after the dust Disappears we saw them yes doctor and the rest and they look ready for a fight

[Grey]: stop we are allies we come here to help you and the doctor is an old friend if I'm not wrong you are Amiya and you are Ace

[Amiya]: are you here to help us

[Grey]: just ask the doctor he will tell you

[doctor]: who are you

[Amiya]: the doctor has amnesia

[Arakan]: really

[Ahma]: guys sorry for this is it me or there is a giant catastrophe coming our way

[Noah]: house open hide now

after this, we all went to the open house to hide but looking at reunion members is crazier than in the game said them to be hell some are just running at the fallen rocks after some time it ended after this we run to the plaza just to be surrounded by the reunion and she was here Talulah

[second team] pov

[Akako]; sorry miss but this man is under an old friend so you can't kill him miss was it, Ines, now if you can sleep

after saying this I punch her in the face so hard and she faints wow my normal soldier on the moon can take two punches from me before going to the infirmary after she fainted a man comes out and before he can take I said to him

[Akako]; are you Hoederer

[Hoederer]: yes how...

[Akako]; Rimuru now

;;BONK;; ;;BONK;; ;;BONK;; ;;BONK;;

good two prisoners in one go

[Akako]: John how are they

[John]: if we were late they will be meeting god thank Rimuru for the potion he give me for this they will have to rest for two days for them to recover to full health

[Akako]: ok you and Rimuru will be at the back I and Goosein will be at the front take care of them ok

[John]: ok

before John can go a hand caught his leg it was Scout

[Scout]: why help us

[John]: the doctor ones helped us too so we came for his aid in time of need you need to rest you have lost most of your blood

Scout after hearing the doctor's name let go and went to rest if not for them he and his team would have died by now looking at all the civilians they have saved and are still protecting, and when the catastrophe came they helped all the civilians first as for the ones that can't make it were saved by the girl named Rimuru she shot out a dark fire that can destroy the dark rocks they did all they can tell the first impact ended they helped us to get out of the city and lift saying they still have one job left to do so people say they are heroes and they are real heroes for me I need to thank them if I see them again

[first team] pov

[Nearl]: We're done for if we fight in a wide-open area or chances of survival are higher at the plaza exit

they start taking now but Grey said

[Grey]: too late look she is here

in front of us was the leader of the reunion Talulah we can feel the heat from just looking at her and at her back, where the rest of the leaders of the reunion Grey take out her mask showing her face and horns, and Arakan said

[Arakan]: you guys we will take her you, go and hide and wait for the rest of our team to come, the doctor must survive Grey and Ahma are you ready for this Noah protect them for now

[Amiya]: no Rhodes Island will not abandon anyone

[Nearl]; let me help

[Ace]: let me and my squad help you at least

[Arakan]: no you will only be in our way

[Ace]: then don't die if you live I will invite you for a drink after this

[Arakan]: then be ready I'm a heavy drinker and I don't plan on dying soon

Arakan draws his bone sword

Ahma is reading his guns

Grey is using her Ice Fire magic on her axe

at Talulah first move, Grey used her ice fire to counter her flames now is our time

[ chapter end ]