the new members

[the overpowered shield hero]: hello my name is maple

[blade never dies]: ha can someone tell me where I'm in is this haven or hell

[the alchemist's Scientist]: hello did I make it is this the truth

[The little terrorist]: hello do you want to be friends with Klee

[ moon general ]: you see this

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: yes I see it and this time we have a real terrorist don't make her cry

[ freedom fighters from the future ]: you two stop ok...hello new members of the Chat Group here we have a man from the moon a jellyfish on drugs and slime that you can eat and a priest of a dark god and some guy and two necrophilia and a dinner goose and a doctor and me a freedom fighter

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: do you want to die Ahma

[ moon general ]: Grey he is dead as soon as he gave us Weird nicknames

[ slime are cute ]: you are dead now Ahma but where are Noah and Arakan

[ war healer ]: the two of them are on Mission now so they can't talk for now

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: but Noah spoke to us before

[ war healer ]: yes but now everyone is busy Goosein is in a meeting of prominent families and I'm with him as his bodyguard and Doctor, have sent Noah and Arakan to Ursus for some work Rimuru is readying for a battle with some humans, and Akako is beating a noble kid or was and Grey just have finished evolving you guys can go back to your work I will talk with the new members

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: ok I will go to the shop bay

[you have left the Chat Group and entered the shop ][you have 2351sp]

[Grey]: ok let's buy some Clothes then skill and then a house ok I will take this and this now the skill let me see if this one look good as for the house this one has its own Garden and is powered by a magic generator that works by putting it near some magic so buy

[you have bought four Clothes for 100sp skill mana heart of glass for250sp and a magic house for 2000sp]


[Grey]: ok first but the house in the cave uses the skill on me and let's see the rest of the sea

after Grey left the cave she start going deeper into the sea the first than that greeted her was a big Shark his body was full of sharp thorns and it was been eating by a bigger anglerfish she did What every mc do after seeing this...swim fast to run away

[Grey]: ok I will not go into the deeper part of the sea lets go to the land now before I find anything weird but where can I find land I did not even find a ship just some birds looks like I need to go on a long swim to find land but let hunt something and put it in the Refrigerator I need to eat at the end

[after an hour of hunting]

Grey looks at her not yet-full Refrigerator

[Grey] why are you not full I just put two and a half whales in here ok let's look again...but this sea is weird I can't find any seaweed or marine plants or ore veins and there are little to no fish or marine creatures like someone had taken all of it and the cave that I live in is man-made but it's abandoned why did someone dig an air felled cave between six thousand and five thousand meters under water and these caves were made by magic but this place did not even have one Shipwreck or even a Skeleton of something it's like someone was here but nobody was here too why dig a cave underwater if there was no war and if there was why is no one here if you were to abandon it This is impossible if you put in a lot of time to make everything This is something that makes no sense at all...let me go home first

after Grey enters her cave she opens the Chat Group

[you have entered the Chat Group ]

[ blood priest ]: so yes I hate Ursus and the guy named Emperor Blade the man is a beast if I did not buy the love potion and smash it in his face I would be dead by now good then there were a lot of Soldiers there


[ blood priest ]: I have used some of Grey's blood on him but he is still alive and he gets stronger the more of Grey's blood I use on him

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: you used what on him

[the bone samurai ]: o hi Grey so do you remember when we saved a lot of people from a burning city and you solo that Talulah

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: yes why

[the bone samurai ]: someone has taken a video of us and a video of you and your power of curing Oripathy by using your blood and Noah talked about how many kinds of toxins are in your body so... the infected all over the world are looking for you or anyone from your tribe and Ursus have sent there Emperor Blade to get us so he can find you they even attacked Rhodes Island if not for help from the former Reunion leaders and making a Serum form your blood and world tree fruits that can stop Oripathy Rhodes Island with had fallen to Ursus now me and Noah are hiding in the north of Ursus S### they have found us sorry but we need to go

[the bone samurai is offline ]

[ blood priest is offline ]

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: is there anyone here

[The little terrorist]: Klee is here big sis Grey can you tell Klee what is a jellyfish can Klee eat it

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: no you can't eat a jellyfish Klee its full of poison and taste bad

[The little terrorist]: ok Klee will not eat jellyfish Klee will go now big brother Albedo needs Klee bay

[The little terrorist is offline ]

[ the jellyfish of Light and dark]: will look like I'm the only one left here

[you have left the Chat Group]

Grey looks at her new house but feels lonely

[Grey ]: why is this sea Empty

she asks herself as she sleeps

[the next day]

Grey woke up and to the kitchen to find something to eat after she eats she look at her stats

name; Grey

species: noble elements ice jellyfish demi-human of Light and dark

age: [12] days

exp: [19876/50000]

level: [50]

hp: [5000/5000]

mana: [10000/10000]

skill{s}: killer noble elements of Light and dark sting{1}, greater air magic{1}, greater water magic{1}, greater earth magic{1}, greater ice magic{1}, greater fire magic{1}, human form{max}, greater dark magic{1}, greater Light magic{1}, magic breath{max}, greater Ice Fire magic{1}, bloodlust{9}, thermal Vision{7}, dark Vision{7}, sword skill{7}, gun skill{7}. toxic making {8}, pain resistance{8}, greater heat resistance{1}, shovel skill{5}, axe skill{7}. greater super-healing{1}, singing{6}, cooking{6}, skill shark teeth[3], skill mixing{2}, fast swiming{3}, mana heart of glass{1}, sea language{1}

[legendary skill]

[Abyss Ocean Sword Skills{2} first form dark abyss, Second form skull of leviathan ]

[mana heart of glass

your heart is like a glass lamp that makes mana like the blood in your vines +50% mana recovery ]

[Abyss Ocean Sword

your skill can even make the Abyss fear you and in the final form you can even kill the Abyss with one sword ]

[skill mixing

you can mix anything from race to skills but you can do it one time a week]

[ shark teeth

you have the teeth of a shark if it fell it will grow again stronger]

[sea language

you can speak to the smart marine creatures ]

[Grey]: wow my skills are good but I need to look at why the sea is this empty today

[ chapter end ]