the eye of the dead sea And the second Mission

after Grey left the cave and starts swimming she spends seven hours just to find some seaweed and fish after finding them she harvests them and takes them home to plant but as soon as she plants them in the ground the seaweed died just like that turn into dust why she saw some death magic in the sea but if it was this bad dame.. she starts swimming again but this time she swims tell dark but this time she finds something a human a living one he is holding to a plank and he looks hungry and thirsty she swims tell she stand in front of him as soon as the man saw her he said

[the man]: this game is making me hallucinate now ok miss sea girl can you feed me...ha why did my favorite go down 20 points... o your an NPC not a hallucination sorry I have been awakened for two days

Grey heard everything and will she was shocked so she was in a game but this is for later she wanted to ask the man first

[Grey]; can you tell me why are you here

[the man]: a miss this is the eye of the dead sea one of the most dangerous zones in the world and it's in the east sea near the bone swamp and the sea tomb my team and I were looking for the deep dark one he is a raid boss

[Grey]; the deep dark one?

[the man]: yes a big dark monster he only looked at us and then boom our fleet of more than a hundred ships turned to ashes and we only saw his dark eye it reached the sky alone he just blanks then boom and here I'm I now miss can you tell me your name my name is Dave von Hellsong

[Grey]; no here is some food and water bay

Grey gave him a big fish and a water bottle then she left she want to go and have some talk with the Chat Group but what she did will make all players try to go to the sea because when the player used his all-seeing eye he saw this

NPC name; ???

title:[ the one who saw the abyss of the sea] [sword master of the east sea]

[note: only players can see the titles]

species: noble elements ice jellyfish demi-human of Light and dark

level: [50]

hp: [???/???]

mana: [???/???]

even the strongest NPC they met was level 50 and he was the emperor and they can see his hp and mp and the player who was in front of Grey was a Ranker level 43 he was the first in Level ranked and was the head of the Hellsong guild a multi-country guild that has over two million players and he takes a picture of Grey and he may have told some Friends and send them the picture and told them to say nothing of this but his picture have been leaked and send to someone and he sends it to someone tell all of the game players, know of her existence the first demi-human who is not an orc or a goblin they see and a raid level boss

the comments were like this

[cold-big-man, from the dark god guild]: can you tell me where I can find her if I can kill her and get an Epic weapon

[golden queen from the only girls guild]: she is ours to kill if you want I piece wait for us to finish so we can give some leftover

[tzar of sand from the star guild]: the demi-human she is mine after I enslave her I will become unbeatable her face can make the emperor fall for here

[Dave von Hellsong from Hellsong guild]: hy can you say this to my face

after he said this all the comments about killing and Gray after all here the strong has the most saying n this game

[dave von Hellsing from Hellsing guild]: find the man who starts this and kick him out of the guild the eye of the dead sea is my guild and my allies' zone it was given to me and my guild by the emperor if you want a piece then you have to face me and the emperor ]

after this, all of the big guilds have gone Quiet but some smaller and dark guilds start moving but all of them were destroyed as soon as they entered the Hellsong guild zone, Dave tried to catch up to Grey but Grey was at his back

[Dave]: why did I not take the fast swimming skill

[Grey]: why were you following me

[Dave]: why not I have been here for three days not even seeing land

said, Dave

[Grey]: ok you can come with me but first drink this

Gray gave him a blue potion he used his all-seen eye and saw this

[Epic potion of water breathing and fast swimming ]

[can last for an hour ]

[Dave] how did you make this Epic potion

[Grey]: why are you looking at it like this it's just some failed potion

dave just gave up and follow Grey till they arrived at the cave it takes them half an hour to do so Dave just looked at the cave he used his scout skill but he can only feel Grey and some fish he look at Grey and said

[Dave]: you live in a cave alone

[Grey]: yes look all over you there is not even seaweed to eat and we are near the deep sea zone don't get near it or you will die

[Dave von Hellsing]: Is the deep sea dangerous?

[Grey]: yes last time I was there I saw a Shark his body was full of sharp thorns and it was been eating by a bigger anglerfish and their level was 60 or more and I just entered to see this

after she said this he was Shocked

[Grey]: hy will you enter or just stand near the cave entrance like a creepy old man

[Dave]: ok let's see your cave

after he enter and saw the house he was so Shocked again it was like a closed box at first but turn into a villa he even saw this


[Grey]: ok I'm going to my room the room on the left is yours and if I find anything stolen I will kill you now god night and my name is Grey

after Grey gets up he looks at her house and felt he was using a woman and he felt bad for this after he finishes some fish she gives him he goes to his room and wow even his real-life body can't leave this bed his in-game character was awake for two days he need sleep by login off but after he logs off his phone was ringing and it was his vice commander and he has some missing calls

[Dave]: what happened why to call me for ten hours Jon

[Jon]: leader the emperor was poisoned by a traitor from our guild and the crown Prince And half of the nobles moved against us they want to kill the emperor good thing we saved him in time we need your help now we are at hell fort

[Dave]: but my Character needs to rest now or my stats will be half is there any guild from our allies helping

[Jon] three left us alone and Join the Prince and the last one was Destroyed

[Dave]: ok move all of our members to land to help even if my stats are half I will help the emperor even if I go back to level one

[note: in the game, if you were killed you will lose a Level]

dave eat a cup of Noodles and get his VR Helmet ready and enter the game

after he enters the game he gets up from the bed after he gets out of his room he saw Grey wearing this


after seeing Grey he wants to ask for help from her but he can't

after she sees him she gave him a yellow potion and said

[Grey]; this is a stamina potion now take me with you

[Dave]: ha

[Grey]; you want my help now use the Rune my friends will help us after we get to your friends now let us go

Dave drank the potion and get a Rune he give one to Gray and he close his eyes and use one of them when he open his eye he sees he is in the hell fort command room and gray is in front of him

[Dave]: why help me and who did you know I need help

[Grey]: you ask now it's an easy answer I want to help and your face tells me everything

[second Mission has been Activate by you saving Dave ]

[help the emperor in the hell fort ]


[one level up pill ]

[one random skill level up ]

[500sp ]

[Bonus mission ]

[cure the emperor ]

[make Dave the new crown prince ]

[Destroyed the rebel nobles ]

[don't let hell fort fall ]


[one member will come at a time the next one is coming in [58;37]]

[members in this world are

1-moon general

2-the jellyfish of Light and dark

[ chapter end ]

[Note from the author: sorry I had to hurry up in making this chapter but the coming war will make it up to you ]