making plans for war

[Grey pov]

[Grey]: so this is your HQ but why do you have this in the command room

I pint to the big cockroach head in the room who but this here

[Dave]: o this was our first boss the old days were good

[Grey]: if it is dead why is it moving

[Dave]; will sometimes he speak too so we made him a general look he is doing it now

[ the big cockroach ]: but the weak in the front line and scatter the strong ones in them

[Dave]; see thanks, fourth cockroach general he was a level 30 when I killed him and is the guy at your back a friend

[Akako]: hi Grey

[Grey]: hi Akako

after I said this I looked at Akako but saw this

NPC name; Akako

species: moon human

level: [67]

hp: [???/???]

mana: [???/???]

[legendary skill]

[flower of forever bloom{4}]

[Dave]; Grey can I kill him

[Gray]: Why

[Dave]; his face annoys me look he is so handsome like someone from a manhwa or manhua you will find ladies all over him...why are you crying

[Akako]: I am single

as soon as he said this Dave and Akako and the big cockroach head hugged each other like old comrades coming back from a war

[Grey]: why are you guys glowing and why...a Dave someone at the door of the command room

as soon as I said these ten guys come in the room the one in front said this

[Jon]: Dave we need to...why are they glowing

[Grey]: they are single...hy why are you Join in with them

[after ten minutes of a single man's crying]

[Grey]: will ok we are at war and you guys were just crying with the big cockroach head

[the giant cockroach]: I'm single too

[Grey]: ok can you tell me the names and power of the enemy's leaders

[Jon]: ok the first one is a level 40 big fat boy he is one of the strongest players and he has the cannibal skill at {max} and he has the class of food god his goal is to make jellyfish Noodles with Imperial Meat his guild is full of fat and big eaters players the next one name hammers the lover he wants to have miss Grey in his harem has the class of the fire god and he is at level 40 his goal is to have a harem of all kinds of ladies I even heard he has a goblin and an orc as wives his guild is full of playboys and the next one is Dark dark he is level 39 but his class is a necromancer that has four level 40 zombies his goal is to have miss Grey as a zombie he has a dark guild full necromancer and death knights roleplayers and the last is the killer of kings a PVP legend she wants to have Mr. Dave head on her wall after she has defeated him and... she wants to have miss Grey in her bed she is a solo player who has no gulid all of them were our allies who betrayed us for some money

[Akako]: wow look like Grey is famous here she even has someone who wants her in their bed

[Dave]: hy she is cute even I will try my luck

[Grey]: sorry but I have a boyfriend

[Jon]; ok now to the crown prince's army all of them are level 20 to level 45 and I heard that the crown prince has a dragon in his army that is an unknown level and this is not the worse he has five of the twenty Guardians of the border and some of the sorcerers of the mage tower and more if we want to count them it will be more then Ten million fighters against fifty thousand of us but this is good there army is slow so we have three hours tell there Army Scouts get here and a half an hour tell the front line come and another half an hour tell the main army Reaches us so we may be dead after this if we can't take out the dragon and guild leaders as for the Guardians we need the emperor to wake up for them and no one can help us our forces are being delayed by the enemy guilds and kingdoms and our fleet is in the east sea protecting us from the bone swamp and the sea tomb so if you have any idea tell me now

[Akako]: I have some ideas that can help us take this plan and this and this why not take this book

Akako gave a book full of plans of all kinds from a single killer to the trap of a thousand men and more like the iron wall and the poison weed field as soon as Jon looked at the book he get on his knees and said

[Jon]; teach me, master Akako

[Akako]: ok I will teach you but first... Grey, you can leave the room we need to make a big plan and Take this with you

he gave me a whip... are women a joke to you ok come down he is still your friend so no killing just ask him why

[Grey]: why did you give me this

[Akako]: every man here is single so if a cute girl hit them they will do anything but if only you were not flat...

before he can complete his Sentence I give him a death stare that made everyone shut up

[Grey]: do you want to die

I smile in front of him and show him my shark teeth but this did not scare them but made some of them bleed from the nose...why is everyone here like this

[Dave]: cute...can someone take a picture and send it to me fast my hp is at half now

I just open the door and left the room full of P#### now let me see the enemy army and if my

[Draco] from is stronger or the dragon let's find out if his fire is hotter or my ice colder Ahah [Evil laugh]

[someone]: hy were is this cute laugh coming from

ok end this chapter

[ chapter end ]