I’ll Help You Get In Through the Back Door

Su Yuan's eyes were half-closed as she scanned the billboard. On the huge billboard, other than the big words 'Here Comes My Idol' there was no introduction from any instructor or student. Su Yuan finally found the list of business partners in the bottom right corner. At a glance, there were more than a dozen entertainment companies, but upon closer inspection, the first was the Pei family's OA Entertainment, and the second was Pei Xifan's Feifan Entertainment.

The rest were small companies that were not very famous. Sure enough, Pei Xifan had taken over the proposal.

Su Yuan's lips curled into a cold smile. "Let's go, mom. It has nothing to do with me." After she finished speaking, she held her mother's arm and walked through the crowd toward the shopping mall.

At this time, a black convoy drove over from the side of the street and stopped right under the billboard. The door of the black Mercedes-Benz in the lead suddenly opened, and a group of people got out.