Only a Few Hundred Thousand Yuan

"Mom, this one's not bad. Go try it on." Su Yuan brought her mother to a display window and pointed at a white dress on a model.

They were on the first floor of the mall, where luxury brands were sold. These luxury stores were luxuriously decorated. The glass was spotless, and the salespeople were cold and aloof, which gave people a visual shock.

She could shop however she wanted, but if she really had to try, Su Qiumeng's face revealed an awkward and uneasy expression. After they moved into the house, Mo Ting asked Aunt Du to give her a few sets of clothing, but Su Qiumeng had never worn a single one.

Back at the nursing home, she had once asked Mo Ting, "How sincere are you?" Afterward, Mo Ting had a private conversation with her and said, "Aunt, words are not proof. You can take your time to read it."