Taking Credit

"Bitch!" Bai Yurou cursed under her breath as she glared at the big screen with a venomous look on her face. She was on the verge of going crazy. Clearly, she should have been the one being held in high regard today, but now it was all ruined by Chen Yi, that bastard! Not only did he ruin her chance to enter Class A, but he also placed Su Yuan, that little b*tch, in the last place! What benefits did Su Yuan give him? Could he be her sugar daddy?

Bai Yurou couldn't stay any longer. She got up and prepared to leave through the side staircase.

"Yurou, where are you going?" Li Feifei asked. "Your leg is still injured!"

When she shouted, the students sitting nearby all looked over.

Bai Yurou cursed in a low voice. She had been walking so fast just a moment ago, but now she pretended to be limping. She smiled and said to everyone, "I'm going to the toilet. Li Feifei, help me there."