Endangering Traffic

After Chen Yi heard this, he coldly glanced at the people in the Central Business District and turned to walk out of the door. "President, wait for me!" Until they got into the car, Chen Yi had a long face and did not say a word.

KD started the engine and said in a trembling voice, "President Mo, we... where are we going now?"

Mo Ting replied, "I'm calling Fu Wen. He's asking where Xiao Nuan is!"

KD took out his phone and turned on the speaker. After a while, the call was connected.

"Assistant Fu, I'm KD. I lost the Madam. Do you know where she is now?"

Fu Wen was speechless. "You've f*cking lost Madam, and now you're speaking in such a relaxed tone? Have you lived long enough?" Was President Mo really stricter with him than with others?