
Although the shop was well decorated, there was no furniture inside. She still had to buy and arrange the furniture.

The store was huge, just enough for a small office and warehouse. There was also enough space for her to store her goods. When the time came, she could sell her goods in the company and here.

It was too tiring to be alone. She went to look for Little Gu, but Little Gu was too busy. He had to work as an advisor and a coolie. He begged for mercy. Lady boss, please let me go. I still have work to do here. I can't handle such a big project.

She patted Little Gu's shoulder. "I'll pay for your salary when the time comes."

The last time he helped Qu Zhi sell the scarf, Qu Zhi had given him quite a lot.

Only then did he obediently shut up. Just do it. There's nothing that can't be done.

The busy days were like pressing the acceleration button, and Qu Zhi was like a spinning top every day.