Ciba Cake

The winter in Jiang City was still very cold. The wind blew on their faces and the air was like a knife in their nose. Jiang City was near the sea, so it often rained. Most of the winter was wet and cold. When Qu Zhi first arrived, she had to take a long time to get used to the weather.

In Qu Zhi's memory, Chuchu used to have frostbites on her hands every year. Her fair and tender little hands would turn black and purple, and there would be long scars, which would be very ugly.

In the past, Qu Zhi didn't pay attention to these things. She thought that every child would get frostbites, so she just wanted to let nature take its course. In addition, she also had her own problems. When she washed the dishes, it was very painful and itchy, but she would be fine after a while. The remaining money was for buying gloves.

The gloves were something that could only be used for a short period of time. It was such a waste for her at that time. She couldn't bear to.