
Qu Zhi had never felt so comfortable before.

She was always around the child, but during this period, she felt much more fulfilled and happy.

This feeling was too good. She couldn't wait to finish her work so that she could rest early at the end of the year, travel with her child, and watch TV.

The day before she started working, she received a call from Huang Qing.

However, the voice that rang on the other end of the phone was not Huang Qing's but Qu Can's.

"Qu Zhi, Mom didn't give me money..." Qu Can's voice sounded like he had not woken up yet, dragging out his words.

Someone from the side interrupted Qu Can.

"Call her Sister." Huang Qing lowered her voice and reminded him.

"Tsk." Qu Can's temper flared up, and he fell silent.

The corners of Qu Zhi's mouth twitched helplessly. Oh, she is embarrassed to ask for money, so she's using her son as a shield.