A Family Dinner

Wini was gasping. Her eyes were on Alec. "Mr., if you could please vacate the store!" One of the guards said. "This customer seems to be very disturbed by your presence," He added.

"I-I just have to drop her to her house. Her car keys are still with me." Alec said.

"No need!" A voice came out from behind. The man emerged in front of them and looked at Wini. Wini was trembling in anxiety. The man opened his jacket and covered Wini with it. Wini lifted her face to see who it was.

"Ohm?" She exclaimed in a curious tone.

Ohm gave her a gentle smile and then looked at Alec. "Mr, will take her home. You may now leave!" Ohm said to Alec. "Does she know him?" Alec thought. "But… " Alec wanted to say something but Ohm interrupted, "No ifs and buts Sir, She stays at our place with me and my father. I already know her. The keys please!" Ohm clarified and forwarded his hands to take the car keys back.

"Oh!" Alec exclaimed and handed him the keys. Ohm patted Wini on her shoulder and asked, "Shall we leave?" Wini looked at Ohm and then looked at Alec. Alec was also looking at her and was waiting for her reaction. "Yes!" Wini responded to Ohm while her eyes were still on Alec.

Ohm and Wini slowly started walking towards the exit. Alec kept standing and staring at them. Wini still had the knife in her hand at which Ohm laughingly said, "You look like a lady Mafia!" Wini realised that Ohm was laughing at her holding on to the knife firmly. "These days you never know when you require a knife to defend yourself and a friend who can defend you." She looked at Ohm and gave him a weak smile.

"I am eager to hear you out on our way back," Ohm said. Alec started muttering to himself, "Huh! As if… who does he think he is? Suddenly appearing from nowhere and forcing dominance over me! Oversmart fellow!" He then took a glance at his wrist watch, "10:30 pm??" He left every thought behind and hurried to leave the store.

Ohm and Wini went over to Wini's car which was actually borrowed by her from Mr. Morris. Ohm took the driver's seat and Wini sat next to her. They then left the place. On their way home, Wini narrated the whole incident to Ohm. "Now that you know everything, I am curious about something too," Wini said. "Go on!" Ohm responded gently. "What were you doing there?" She asked. "Well, I am the assistant manager of that store." Ohm replied.

After listening to Ohm's response, Wini blinked her eyes in satisfaction. She was also feeling drowsy. "I feel like sleeping right here," She said and yawned. Ohm laughed. "We will reach home in a few minutes from now," He said.

After some time they reached home. Ohm asked Wini, "Do you need me to help you through the door?" "No, not at all. Go park the car!" Wini said. She got out of the car and headed towards the door. Before she could knock the door, Mr. Morris had opened it. "Oh dear! Why are you so late today? I was so worried. Come inside." Mr. Morris said. "I didn't dare to call your mother, knowing how much she worries about both her kids." He added. Ohm now entered the house. "Did both of you come back together?" Mr. Morris asked. Wini and Ohm looked at each other. They tried to figure out whether they should tell everything to the 50 year old.

Wini broke the silence. "Yes Uncle! I was driving on my way back and saw Ohm on the road. I picked him up and then he suggested we should go in to have some snacks at a nearby restaurant where there was a discount offer running today. We headed there and ate a lot. Haha!" Wini said. "That's why it got late, Uncle." She added nervously.

"Don't you have a Car?" Mr. Morris asked Ohm. "Yes… but it had some problems today and I had to deposit it to a repair house. I will pick it up tomorrow." Ohm said. "Now, could we please have our dinner?" Ohm asked.

"Oh great. You guys are still hungry after your snacking quest today. I have cooked really good food for tonight. I am happy it won't go wasted afterall," Mr. Morris smiled. "Get ready for dinner," He added.

Ohm and Wini were finally relieved. Wini went upstairs to change her clothes. Ohm too went to his room. Both of them returned to the table after some time and were instantly pleased. The table was full of delicious looking dishes. Mr. Morris was already seated, waiting for them to join him. Ohm and Wini smiled at his gesture and sat on the table. "Bon Appetit!" They said together and started savouring the dishes.

"Uncle, what spices have you used in this dish?" Wini pointed out a dish to Mr. Morris. "Oh, it's a special spice I have prepared at home. I have grinded together three ingredients to make this spice. Do you like it?" Mr. Morris asked excitedly. "In love with it!" Wini remarked. "These ingredients were often used by Ohm's mother when… when she was alive." Mr. Morris said in a soft tone. "Father?" Ohm looked at Mr. Morris.

"But I have come up with my own spices you see, I didn't copy her!" Mr. Morris deviated the topic. Wini got emotional at this site. She held his hands and kissed them. "Uncle, you know what? You're one of the finest chefs I have ever seen." Said Wini.

Ohm kept looking at Wini. He was impressed by her sweet gesture and felt that his father and him were sharing their home with the rightest person on Earth. Tears rolled out of Mr. Morris's eyes and he kissed back Wini' hands.

"Who's giving me kisses now?" Ohm popped out his question. "This lobster!" Wini said. She picked up a lobster from one of the dishes and held it in front of his mouth. "Then what? The lobster turns into a beautiful princess?" Three of them cracked up laughing.