Don't speak your heart out

After having their dinner together, Wini went back to her room. She had a really bad day which finally had a sweet ending. She checked her phone. "No missed calls, No texts?" Wini thought. She got in her bed and dialled Stella. Stella was not picking up her phone. This was unusual and Wini felt weird. She dialled her again and this time her mother picked up her call. Before Wini could even say 'Hello' she heard her mother sobbing from the other end.

"Mother? Mother? W-What happened?" Wini's curiosity rose in no time. "Wini, my child!..." Stella started crying again. "Mom, it's okay. Please tell me what's the matter." Wini asked.

"Nothing is right here! Nothing." Stella said. Wini could not say anything at this. This was the same thought she had too but at this moment, she decided to gulp in her own problems. She decided not to disclose anything to her mother about things she suffered from today.

"Maya, that innocent little girl. Something or the other keeps happening to her. I don't even know how to protect her. It is Arya who is always rescuing her each time." Stella said.

"What happened to Maya mom? Wini asked.

"She… I think she got possessed today," Saying this Stella started crying again.

"What?" Wini was speechless. She had no clue of what her mom was saying.

"Yes. Arya brought her home unconscious. We didn't reveal anything to her yet and lied to her by saying that she was too tired and fell asleep."

"Since how long has this been happening?" Wini asked.

"Mishaps keep on affecting her. Last time someone came to our house late in the evening, the man was looking very relentless. She went in to fetch some water for him and next we heard her screaming. When me and Arya went inside to check upon her, we saw her feet bleeding. Pieces of glass were scattered all over the floor. By the time I hurried back to grab the first aid box, the man who came to our house was no longer there and… " Stella stopped while narrating.

"And?" Wini asked. "And the next day we heard that his child, who had drank water from the lake had passed away in the hospital," Stella completed. "Bad things keep happening to my family and every other family in this city. I am becoming hopeless day by day Wini…" Stella said while shedding tears.

"All this happened and you never told me?" Wini was curious that her mother had hid so many things from her to which her mother responded by saying, "Honey! I am your mother. It is you who is supposed to complain to me about things that annoy you and me who is supposed to fix them for you." Tears filled Wini's eyes after hearing this. This was exactly what she was about to do tonight. She was about to cry her heart out tonight and share everything she had been bearing since the time she arrived in this city. The city which she once thought she could make her next home. She wanted to tell her mother that no one appreciated her here. The people at her workplace hated and almost tried to destroy her dignity this evening.

"But, look at me." Stella said. "I finally couldn't be that mother. I am crying to my daughter, a young girl who has just started living in an unknown city. Who has tons of responsibilities on her shoulders and I am burdening her furthermore." Stella continued mumbling hopelessly.

"Don't say that mom," Wini replied, trying hard to control herself from breaking down. "You know what? You have made a grave mistake by not informing me about all this. Don't I have the right to know everything about my family?" Wini asked. "Wini, my sweetheart. You are my older child and a piece of my heart lies with you sweety. Remember, you must never commit the mistake I have made. You must never hide anything from me. Am I clear? Stella asked.

"At such dire times, how could I live for myself mother? How could I give you my burden?" Wini thought.

"Okay, Done!" Wini replied. "Now head off to sleep. I shall speak to brother Morris tomorrow. It's been a long time." Stella said. "Goodnight mother!" Wini said and ended the call.

Downstairs, Mr. Morris and Ohm were having a discussion.

"Ohm, you must think before you feel." Said Mr. Morris.

"But father, feelings just take place. Thoughts come later." Ohm responded.

"In that case, you need to control your feelings by purifying your thoughts with knowledge. The most important knowledge," Mr. Morris said in soft and serious voice.

"What knowledge?" Ohm asked.

"The knowledge that she is your cousin," Mr. Ohm said.

"But aunt Stella and you aren't blood related, are you?" Ohm asked.

"No we're not. But still, she is your cousin and you have a duty. A duty to protect her at all times." Mr. Morris said.

"Father, have you seen her eyes, she yearns for someone." Ohm said. "Someone she can dump all her stress upon. Someone who can bear her endlessly. Someone who can cherish her. She needs someone. " He added.

Mr. Morris gave no reaction to whatever Ohm had said. He got off from his arm chair and said,"She is your cousin-sister. I have promised her mother to take care of her, nothing more and nothing less." Mr. Morris walked off after saying this.

Ohm remained seated. He didn't understand what to say. His father was not supporting him in his first ever love story. He had fallen for Wini, his cousin-sister. He had fallen for him since the first day he saw her sleeping like a baby. He loved the feeling when he was preparing a cup of coffee for her, the first time. He remembered how excited he was while plucking fresh strawberries from the backyard, just for her. He realised how strong he felt today when he saved her from that mess. He knew, he was in love for sure.

Father and Aunt are not blood related. There cannot be any mistake. But, I will still try to hold onto myself and see if it is truly what I think it is.