If I’m not embarrassed, then the ones who are embarrassed are the others!

Venn was embarrassed to have so many eyes staring at him from all directions. He could sense the various emotions behind their gazes - angry, frustrated, hostility, but mostly stunned that there could be someone with absolutely no common sense.

However, it was not that he was so unaware of his surroundings that he had interrupted the appointing ceremony of General Brugvun as the grand commander of the Oni army. He had no other choice! If he does not speak his piece now, he figures it would be too late for him once the chain of command of the Oni army is finalised.

If he compares Heaven Descent to a normal game, then with the end of the appointing ceremony, it would also spell the end of the game cutscene. It would be fine in most cases, but the important thing was that he could not afford to let the game's story end that way.

He had given a lot of thoughts behind the objectives of the quest that he was given by Lilith. The objective was to liberate the Oni Clan from the goblins.