Duet Performance

"The militias?"

Venn's eyebrows furrowed when he heard Ysera's solution. It was not that he could not accept the compromise, but he just didn't feel like compromising, especially after seeing General Brugvun's scornful attitude.

Nonetheless, after thinking it through, he accepted Ysera's proposal.

In the first place, he intentionally demanded a ridiculous request of four hundred soldiers because he knew that the Oni Clan would never agree to it.

The real aim of him doing so was such that if he was to suggest another much simpler request right after they rejected him, they would feel a lot more obligated to accept his new request.

In other words, he was playing a psychological trick on them to increase the chance of getting what he wants.

It was a famous psychological effect that players had learnt overtime when dealing with NPCs. By managing the expectations of all parties involved, players could extract more information and rewards from the game's NPCs.