Steel-tipped Tarantulas


[You have entered the lair of the Steel-tipped Tarantulas.]

Inside a dry cavern that was pitch-black and devoid of any light, a singular flame was illuminating the surrounding dirt walls with its flickering flame.

Though the distance that the light from the flame torch could illuminate was short, it was more than enough for Venn to navigate his way in the cave.

Holding the torch in his hand, Venn's lone figure slowly moved forward to explore the lair of the Steel-tipped Tarantulas. As he walked into the cave, his heart started beating rapidly as he could hear the hissing sounds and the faint sounds of metals clanking, coming from the unknown areas where the light of his torch could not reach.

Although the sounds seemed to come from all around him, he knew that it was just echoes from deep within the cave.