Vesra's mixed feelings

In front of the entrance of the Steel-tipped Tarantulas' cavern, Vesra was pacing back and forth with uneasiness. Honestly, this situation was too much to handle for a sixteen years old.

"What a crazy plan! I can't believe that I might die here. Ahhh!" She couldn't help but utter to herself as she oversaw and coordinated the troops for the upcoming battle. With all the words she could think of, she cursed Venn with all her heart.

Despite her reluctance, it was too late to withdraw now. Like a bow that has its string drawn, there is no going back from this.

Thus, along with the okay signal from Venn's shadow, she readied the troops at a moment's notice.

Together with her, were 240 of the militias under Venn's command standing at attention with their tower shields held high up. Lined up in two straight rows, their shields were covering their bodies completely and their boots were dug deep into the dirt ground as they waited.

No one said anything.