In earth, somewhere in room there is a student reading webnovel of naruto and like all naruto fans, he is also one of them.

He is known as as 'momo' among his friends while his real name is something else. since, his friends called him 'momo' he doesn`t bother correcting his name.

so, no need to remember his name and back to topic he also reads manga and anime so, welcome HIM guys in otaku family. okay, joke aside. He is reading fanfiction of naruto and he somehow slept reading unknown to him .so, what he sees waking up is his dream come true.

yes, he is just being born in naruto world and how he know he is in let`s goto few hours back.....


mc:"wtf, where is this? wait, why is my hand small?

(flashback-2hours ago)

again, who is this beautiful lady with big tits? wait??? I have seen her somewhere before..... wait??.....umm let me think, this dream about redhaired oni kushina?

lol..i have been reading to much of fanfic of naruto that i am dreaming..."

there is big spank sound throughout the room.....


then, there comes sound....


lol! what a badass welcome from your favourite character by spank in dream thought mc.

But then comes to realize that why the f*ck does this dream this what it called reincarnation wait wait wait.....

FUCK!!! I haven`t delete my browser....

wait i am dead?


Did i die reading non stop?

maybe heartattack??

lol my friend whom i leant my money must be dancing😂😂

....*sigh....okay is kushina my mothe-? can`t be she is nursing me, stupid me!

.....this must be hospital...

...f*ck i am in this sh*t village

....okay it is better than others probabaly .

but there are many scary things in this world....

reading is one thing but living in this world is another

....*sigh..i am now dommed anyway.

Then my thoughts get interupted by some voice.

"poor child! he is now only by himself now, that his mother died giving birth with father nowhere.....*sigh.....maybe you survive somehow in orphange ..."says a women in nurse uniform sadly.

kushina replies"yeah, what else can we do? Fumiko was my neighbour but..... who knew she was having tough time filling her belly..."

after a pause "....thank god!!! this child survived and born healthy somehow but maybe he will live normal life....i will make sure of it"says kushina in determination.

After a while she again says"Oh and your name is fugaku, little boy. "she smiled at me.

"sure you are calm and your eyes looks intelligent for little one huh?"she smirked.

'um...okay she is sure beauty of one kind and noone will imagine her in her scary side. so, fugaku huh?..aye aye!!.'

'sure name like sasuke`s father but wait..kushina is alive so, naruto isn`t born,i am few years before canon or what?? let`s wait and see...' like that he slept.

When he woke up he was already in another room with many children like him, orphans.'so, i am now in orphanage .

but god knows when danzo of bast*rd will sabotage .....*sigh....well let`s hope i survive somehow being civilian sure is hard and add orphan at that *sigh,,,,,'.

(Timeskip 1year later)

'It has been 1 year and in that time i have learn to walk and talk.

I have been trying to feel chakra but to no vain and i have been keep trying who knows when i might unlock chakra .

kushina is pregnant and sasuke is already born.

well after few months kyubi attack will happen not that i can do anything .

well let me try to feel chakra again.....'' and this continued like few days until...

(timeskip few days later)

well i feel something warm....

from my beneath wait!?!?,,,,,,i peed!!!

...f*ck!? ..i am adult for f*ck sake

.....s*it man ''wait i feel something warm again...again beneth me and it is sh*t!!!

....f*ck it!!

sure was easy in those fanfiction of naruto you f*cking lying ba*terds!!!

if i die in this world i will hunt you till the end of the world.'(😂😂)

(Timeskip 8months later)

'I have unlocked my chakra and regularly circulate in my body and it is somehow making me feel my body strong too.

Guess somthing??

chakra stuff and another thing.... kyubi attack happened!!!

and things went south.

it somehow didn`t affect orphanage seems like fourth hokage worked hard.

and i meet my favourite main character in orphanage .

he sure look like child of cat with that wiskers and he is energetic and cute, people here already goosiping and neglecting naruto.

guess danzo did his work, such a hardworker dear danzo-sama!!

hope you die hardway too,,,*sigh,,,i am wondering if naruto became idiot during academic arc due to malnutrition?

no dout it is what it is and i will make sure naruto live different life compare to cannon, sure am fan so why not?'

(Timeskip 3years later)

A small boy with black hair and fair skin was holding food toward boy with yellow hair and wiskers in his face.

"Hey! eat this, you have to grow strong to become hokage. you know"i said to naruto.

"ok momo-nichan.. but does`t taste good. and why is our portion less than others?

and why are they not playing with me ?

only you play and talk with me, others called me de..m..on...waaah"Tears streamed down his face as he complained.

here again...complaining like small brat- wait?he is little too(.😂😂)

I stood up angrily"who is that bastard?tell me, naruto. Noone makes my little bro cry ."

"no momo-nichan they will get angry at you and won`t talk to you anymore since you are with me..let`s let it go and look for each other"naruto tried to smile to terribily faked his emotion which i already found out.

'eeishh...swear to god one day i will make them pay 'i promised myself but i knew i cann`t do anything since i was civilian and had no resource and, only option is to husstle for money and strength for survival.

I am continously doing chakra control training and physical training.

I am going to teach naruto these in few years after he live by himself till then i am going to educate naruto about real world although i died in my early twienties living shamelessly under my parents money....eeishhh.. my pathetic life.

I also am doing tree climbing and water walking exercise and with some difficulties i done it.

I started teaching naruto about basic education slowly of real world about deciption, trust, betrail, love, hatered, manipulation and others.

naruto unlike cannon is very quick learner and best decipter ever.I told him to endure and act like weak and idiot not knowing anything happening around and so will i do the same and will only slowly show after we became genin.

i decided to tell naruto about kyubi inside after he enters academy and about his parents after he becomes genin. just like that i trained and also trained naruto secretly without giving any scent to danzo. eeishhh....i hope things move like i imagine.