
(Timeskip 2years)

'It has been while naruto started to stay alone in his house provided by hokage wow what a generous hokage, if fourth is seeing this he would been rooling in his grave..shh...okay joke aside I have large chakra than normal civilian due to continous chakra training but not large as clan children and strong physics due to training but i am sure weak compare to clan`s children .

Me and naruto are already friends with shikamaru, choji and ino.

Well i told naruto to save hinata from those bullies and i think she has crush on naruto for god sake.

well if i can get hyuga princess as my sister-in-law so why not?And just like cannon everyone in village hates him, well most of the people and i also getting same treatment and they called me'demon`s brother' and it is f*cking cringy name.

I get naruto is jinchuriki but i am normal you know? :( `Naruto isn`t malnutrient unlike cannon because of me feeding him food i stole and fish i fished and others.'

Just like that i was going to academy and i went on same year as naruto cause why not ?

Well i am sure i will not be in same team as main leads of naruto but i hope i get in decent team.

I entered the classroom, there are lot of students in class well i can only recognize few though, those in middle are ino, shika, cho trio and first are team 7, in last hinata, kiba and shino.

well let`s not stand out and sit with civilian. Naruto looked at me and nod making sure noone is looking, over the past years, naruto has become more smart and got photographic mermory and only i know him and to make sure noone knows, i make him act like cannon, i also told him about mizuki and he was exicted to get forbidden jutsu for free.

I told him to fail the exam on purpose and use sexy harem jutsu on hokage to escape from him.

Naruto can actually control chakra more effectively than cannon and i know he can pass exam easily but why let the oppotunity to get free ninjutsu let go?

I am right now sitting with two civilians named mira and miksu twins actually..well not like i will remember them later.There actually sometime before uchiha massarice. so, sasuke is more friendly to others now.

I didn`t learn other than history and rules in this class.After returning house i can see my house just hanging there barely .

I got my inheritance from my mother after my academic started. I also told naruto about kyubi and he was really sad and cried a lot that day but nothing like drama happened.

Instead i told him advantage of being jinchuriki like quick healing, high vitality, high power and potent chakra and others random shit, He was little at ease and he took litely later.

I also have to repair my house after i become genin hmm....let`s sleep for now.

At night i heard some ding sound and some voice but i am real lazy ass and sleepy so,i just slept.

In the morning i got my jaw droping in floor because i see blue screen that is status and i got ability of jinhuk from manga'max lvl newbie'.

Just wow, is it dream or real ?hope it is real..let`s see this screen....


Name:Fugaku Power:(hp(15),str(5),agi(4),sta(4))=low academic level Ability:(eye of truth,fusion,memory of the world)=otherworldly system'this is going to it's name from now on.' Jutsu:academic taijutsu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Just wow, i am sure hyped now for my future,, i can copy jutsu of others.

so, whose jutsu should i copy?iruka-sensie of course. now here comes king of ninja, BOW WOW(lol)'I went to academy i energetic way.

I sat on my seat and wait for sensie. Today it was sparring session so, i think i would have to copy jutsu of my classmates. let`s see the condition for sensei from eye of truth.'

Name:iruka..... power :low chunin level jutsu:academic,shadow clone,fireball,waterbuller,.... copy condition:make him feel like pervert somehow to get random jutsu (due to level gap, jutsu cannot be chosen)

'hmm.. so i have to use that sexy harem jutsu huh? if you want it, then you got it. ' "ok. fugaku and sasuke. come on stage and no ninjutsu you hear me?"

' oh, so i am against this little emo boy, let's see your jutsu and let me tate you....wait that sound wrong...ummhu ok here goes nothing.'

Name: sasuke uchiha Power:mid-academic level Jutsu:academic, fireball Copy condition:make him embaress infornt of everyone to select one jutsu

'ok, i mf like this!! let's go!!!'

" now, start!"

sasuke dashed infront of me in instant but i also reach my hand ready my perform naruto's ultimate jutsu.


In an instant a naked pink haired milf with short hair with fair skin and diamond in her forehead appeared.

"~Ara~Do you want my body? my little s-a-s-u-k-e kun"I spoke seducively. "whaa.....whhhat's going on?" sasuke shouted with his blood running from his nose.

"Fuuugaaakuuu!?!!"iruka sensei shouted .

and of course he also had blood running from his nose. And same goes to every boys in our class, even girls had red face.

Sakura was looking intensly in my transformation feeling familiar. of course, i transformed into sakura from future, don't wanna show other naked girls infront sasuke afterall.

I transformed back and fall on my back and started laughing pressing my belly"Hahahahah....iruka sensei turn out to be secret pervet, i think i should protect little girls, who knows what he might do?

and... This little emo-boy turn out to be big sneaky pervent huh...I wonder who he is targeting this week to hunt huhuhu.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"I teased him a little, i think.

Girls were looking iruka sensei with disgusted look (o_O) and some were looking toward sasuke with red and hopeful face (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥, who knows what were thinking. Iruka sensei was embarrased and had red face and glaring like he will beat shit out of me. Naruto was laughing and cheering me with pride, I was using the jutsu he invented afterall.

Certain white eye girl was peeking naruto with red shy face without him noticing. Ino-shika-cho were sighing shaking dear head thiking'These brothers pair got same brain afterall.'Sasuke was totally red tomato just like his favourite food, and threw and powerful kick on my abdomen and i grunted and feel on my knees and just like that i passed out.