I woke up grunting"attatta...that hurt like bitch man".

looking around i found yellow fox in next bed all over bruished but still sleeping like log with drool coming from his mouth to neck.

'yucck, so, he was beaten mercilessly again huh.. well bet he isn't feeling any shit anyway but it's only us huh, it seems like plan to me though. ok let's see my skills i copied.'

"HOLY,MOLLY "I shouted .

surpriesly cause i selected fireball from sasuke before passing out which was currently only D-Rank but skill from iruka-sensei is random.

so, i wasn't expecting grand but i got 'f*cking Transformation jutsu'.It might not be big deal for those who have resource but i was left with no money, no resource only old house. with this i can steal food with fear getting noticed.


naruto was muttering something on his dream,probably ramen stuff.

I woke up and try to perform transformation jutsu 'puff' smoke came out and we can see a something dead disfigured thing on the floor.

'WTF' It was at the moment that i knew'I need practice'. Afterall ninjas practiced jutsus all their life and get experience from missions.

so, they can use this jutsus with ease. what i get from coping this jutsus is it's knowlege and tricks to do,Not total control, field or body experience.

To do that i have to work hard,afterall there was a saying in my old world, 'hard work=no limits'.

"Haaahhh...umm..hum...hey fuku-san, you woke up huh.

That was cool you know ,you did my jutsu infront of everyone, i was thinking of doing that to teach him lesson for not teaching anything you know..

Hahhahah"he told me in one breath while laughing.

"Yeah, i know right that was hilarious , anyway you looked face of iruka-sensei and emo-boy, they were too awed due to my sexy jutsu right?"

"heheheh i know right.. anyway what is that thing on the floor looks like some dead animal to me..." naruto speak pointing.

I released and it disapperead with puff.

Naruto was amazed, he looked to my face expectedly, hoping to get answer.

But i broke him from his hope saying"Wait till evening, i haven't mastered yet".

To that naruto looked down with sad face, i ruffeled his head and went outside.

I ran towards the abandend training ground behind hokage faces moutain.

I usually train here in morning and evening physically like doing=push-ups, pull-ups, set-ups, squats, running and others.

I also practice chakra control like leaf sticking, tree climbing and water walking, teaching same to naruto too.

Well he is bad at those but getting better slowly, probably gonna be big gangsta when he grow up.

And after his daily routine exercises were finished, he started practicing fire ball and transformation jutsu.

Well fire-ball was like small bornfire for now, really convinient for lighting fire while camping you know right(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻.This level of fire was used in my previous world by gangsters for lighting weed.Are you kidding me?`I think i need more hardwork today.

After only hour of training, i got fireball little bigger, probably can be called fireball now..Ok let's take a look at transformation jutsu, i am thinking of transforming into snop dogg.

why you asked, cause why not?The first 20-30 snop dogg where malnutrient and near deadth condition and latter little did they looked like human.

after 50 or more practice after few interval of rest my transformation looked like clown, just wow.

I practiced till little late and finally did my transformation looked similar to snop dogg, yeah you heard similar, not exactly cause your broda aien't perfect little shit .

I went to bring naruto in alleyway and show him my transformation jutsu.

He had stars in his eyes, and begged me to train him which i already planned to. I taught him transformation and fireball jutsu.

His transformation jutsu was like mine dead like object in floor and when he did fireball he smoked from his mouth which made me happy and relieved , no,no not because he couldn't do it but just worried you know(looking away and whisteling).

After a week and few days, Naruto managed to do transformation jutsu to similar looking guy like me, right absolutely not me.But he will eventually get there,'Hang in there buddy', i wished for him, not like he needed.

During that time i transformed into kevin hart and stole from money riches and food from store.I was discovered many times but i f*cking ran out there hahahah.He also decided to prank only those villagers among them that hated him and naruto for no reason at all.

He saw a riched villager hanging around a shop with many milf..oops...ahumm,,,i mean mid-wifes then i sneaked behind him and bend a little,then.


some mid-wifes and little children near him screamed seeing the nightmare.

"wtf just i see..oh god kill me...uhhhggg,,,,my eyes"

shopkeeper he shouted with disgusted face.

"llol, is that some worm or something"

some naughty mid-wife point out that downtown black n*gga or more like black worm lol..that's hilarious, i bet he gonna leave this village forever.okay now it's my turn.

"Hey,Heyy,Heyyy!,Heyyyy everybody!!! Heyyyy gir!! Heyyyyyy girlll!! No?... She ain't hear me....She ain't hear me..... Hey what's up my n*gga!!!...No?...No?...he ain't see me....come*t...come on...Hey miss johnson!..yeah....i am gonna do good on that test..yeahh...yeah..."lol i blunt out that hilarious scene from my previous world.

Everyone looked at my direction and though'Who the hell is he? And who the heck is n*gga 'and looked at certain mid-wife hoping for answer.

"Hey! i don't know him,it's first time seeing him and hey how do you know my name,huh?"

A mid-wife shouted demanding answer from me,'wait then her name is's hilarious..heheheh'.

I just looked at them seriously and after 10minutes the shopkeeper shouted

"say something!!!"

"Hello i am kevin hart ladies and gentlemen,hope you have a good day!ヽ(•‿•)ノ "

then i slipped from there without looking back, i heard some cursing and shouting but i ignored them and reached an alleyway.

Later i transformed into snop dogg and copied many skills from villagers by doing many copying conditions like=[To help, To lend some money,To show direction, To carry bags, To search missing cats, To bring cat down the tree, To give compliements and so on.. ] and some conditions were weird like=[To flip skirts of random girls in street, To steal clothes of sasuke, To deliver love letters and gifts to sasuke, To get beaten to pulp by random frausted man and mid-wife and so on..].Well they gave me skills like=[cooking, smilting, hair cutting, sex technique, cleaning, novel writing, seducing technique, ramen eating technique, peeking, sneaking, survival technique and later many.]

I now don't have to ask anyone to learn these skills, just have practice everyday to mastered them but not all of them, maybe in future¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Unknown to fugaku, all over the village, rumor of someone from kumogakeru(village of lightning)and possibly related to raikage maybe son who came to village as spy and distrub peace of village.

and release a mission to capture him alive but dead if resist, possibly that riched old man complained.And another rumor also went like, 'if you wish deeply with all your heart for something. then,so much that the entire universe conspired to...'wait that's not it, 'if you wish something deeply then, someone black looking man possibly smoking weed cause looks always so high will come and fullfill your wish '.

This rumor was like wild fire and many people gave testimony for this rumor.people started to wish different wish,like hinata wished to talk with naruto,fangirl along with sakura wished to marry sasuke,ino wished to get perfect boyfriend,choji wished to get to eat a lot which he always gets,shikamaru wished to man wished something new sometime,and eventually naruto wished to eat ramen forever...hehehe.....

And, eventually reached ear of i eyed cyclon shimura danzo,'so, if i wish so much i will get what i want then why didn't my wish come true long ago? maybe i didn't wish deeply..who are you,you Unknown Errand Boy?',