Arian: "Ahhh…Haah…"

Palae: "I'm… Gonna need a minute here-"

The words hadn't even escaped her mouth before Palae suddenly dropped down to the floor, completely exhausted.

Aurora: "Come on, people! We have to keep at it or else we won't get anywhere."

Arian: "That… Seems easier… For you to say, but…"

Arian couldn't even finish his sentence, he was too preoccupied with just catching his breath.

It was already getting pretty late. The school was supposed to be locked down for the day after the rally ended, but Aurora managed to convince the guard to leave locking up to them after they had finished training. 'Getting ready to fight against those devil X grades' and all.

Mitsuno: "Aurora's right, you guys! How many times do you think this excuse is going to work?! We have to make the most of it!"

Aurora: "I appreciate it, Mitsu, but I don't really think the hate for an entire group of people dissipates so quickly."

"Speaking of which, Arian… How are you going to make it through school after all this?"

After sitting down, Arian looked up at his questioner.

Arian: "… I do not think I have much of a choice. I will just have to get through it, that is all there is to it."

Mitsuno: "Ari…"

She felt terrible over his circumstances.

Aurora: "… We'll have to act quickly then."

Aurora's eyes burned with determination, they all saw it. She had completely cemented herself as their leader, she would take them to the end of their fates.

Palae: "We've trained all of one day, Aurora. Do we have any real chance against an undying half-cyborg?"

Palae, who had since been listening from her almost too comfortable face first plank position, suddenly raised herself.

Aurora: "We don't have much time… It won't be long until they lock him up for good. I'm guessing Lord Xuth will need to undertake a few more PR stunts before that with him, who knows how long we'll even be able to see the two outside of their lab."

Mitsuno: "I hadn't really thought about it like that…"

Aurora: "And besides… How long do you think it'll be before they all come for Arian with pitchforks in hand?"

They all went silent, the people were afraid. It wouldn't be too strange if their fear led them to such drastic measures. The sparks of doubt had already begun, thanks to the Lord, it was just a matter of time now before they turned into a raging inferno.

Palae finally broke the silence.

Palae: "And… When do we strike then?"

Aurora: "The next time we see Tifon out in public… We need to make a move."

Arian laughed from behind them all. In truth, none of them had ever seen him let loose like that before this moment.

Arian: "Would you all really make yourselves terrorists, for me?"

Mitsuno's smile gleamed with energy, she jumped at Arian with all her might.

Mitsuno: "Of course, we would Ari, you're our friend!"

Palae: "For Tifon as well, and for the people. They're all being deceived by that old Lord. He's using them to achieve his own designs."

After coming to a consensus, the group came together.

Aurora: "It's decided then."

After briefly discussing their final strategy, the group decided to rest for the day, continuing their training tomorrow. It would be slightly harder to do so, however, seeing as school was going to start again from then on. Either way, they departed the school, returning each to their homes for the rest of the evening.


Aurora: "Aw… Damn it all, I'd gotten used to not having to wake up early!"

Reluctantly getting herself up and dressed, Aurora made her way to the dinner table. There was no one home anymore, as was the norm. Both of her parents started work early and returned just as late, often times her mother would forget to even leave her anything for breakfast.

(Seems like this is going to be one of those days.)

And so she began making food, eventually finishing with her breakfast the young lady made her way to the hallway.

(I can't help but feel awfully lonely in these moments.)

She let out a strained chuckle at the thought. She knew there was no helping the situation, but she still felt impatient.

(I'm sure I'll lose my 'benefactor' after we try and steal his God from him. If only I could ask him to wire all of it now…)

"It's too late now anyway."

Steeling herself for the consequences of her actions, Aurora left home and rushed for school.

"I'll have to see about how we can get away with our training during school…"

"Maybe if I asked Mr. Clive's permission to use one of the gymnasiums for some kind of event preparation?"

Just as Aurora was muttering to herself to come up with a plan, she suddenly ran into someone.

Mr. Clive: "Aurora! I'm sorry, dear. I must've been preoccupied with the schedule report for today…"

Aurora stepped back before finally noticing who she'd bumped into.

Aurora: "Oh, Mr. Clive! No, it was my fault really."

Mr. Clive: "But as it happens, I was actually meaning to talk to you about something."

"You see, we're going to have another special 3rd period… If you catch my meaning."

(No, it couldn't be… The commandant again?)

Aurora: "…I see."

Mr. Clive: "It'll be announced when classes start, I'll leave you to your duties now."

As the teacher left, Aurora completely forgot what she'd intended to ask of him beforehand.

(I doubt he'd let me anyway, especially with this new development.)

Aurora: "What could the commandant have to do here again?"

After the end of the second period, the announcement was made. 'Due to some excessive concern over child safety, students will now be trained on how to defend themselves in case they are attacked by a weaponizable Boon.'

Palae: "What a joke!"

Arian: "Indeed, just a week beforehand we'd been encouraged to weaponize our Boons so that we could defend our country."

Most of the crew was already together, well, all but Mitsuno. She was rarely ever seen inside the school actually.

Aurora: "You all remember just how sketchy we found out she was last time, right? I mean after all of what happened she gets invited back?"

Palae: "You know what, you're right. This is pretty alarming."

While mildly discussing the strangeness of these newfound coincidences, the group made their way to the 5th floor. However, what they would soon witness was well beyond anything either could've imagined.

Just as all the students made their way to the entrance of the gym, the well-renowned voice of a certain commandant rang out.

Certain Commandant: "You know the drill! Get your weak asses in here!"

The students, in a rather orderly fashion this time, lined up and entered the gymnasium.


Aurora/Arian: "?!?"

As the first to enter the gym, Palae was dealt the brunt of the shock awaiting all the students.

Commandant Calli: "Now, now. I know this young fella here has become quite popular lately, but trust me on this. The pipsqueak's just like all of you. Only a little upgraded now"

Fangirl: "O-M-G, It's really him! Eeek! It's Alcaeus, our savior!"

Aurora: "It… can't be!"

But Aurora's outburst was lost in the sea of screams that the crowd of students had devolved into. Only after a nudge from Arian did she regain herself.

Arian: "This is certainly an unexpected development, but perhaps not an unfortunate one."

"I'm guessing he's here to participate in training us… which means-"

Palae: "Combat data."

Arian nodded quickly.

Aurora: "Then we'd better take notes this time."

The three made their way into the line formed by the commandant. Arian was then separated from the other two, after going into the male section of the line. All that recognized him moved away, his reputation as Eion's friend had begun to spread. The commandant seemed to remember him from last time as she passed him by.

Commandant Calli: "I'm sure you've already been briefed on what type of training we're going to be doing this time."

The commandant had let go of the speaker she was using earlier. Somehow this didn't impede the loudness of her tone at all.

Commandant Calli: "I'll repeat it anyway, for those of you who are hard of hearing."

"Today's training will be on how to defend yourself when faced with a weaponizable Boon."

The commandant glanced at Arian for less than a second before eyeing the crowd as a whole.

Commandant Calli: "How about we start it off how we did last time?"

There was a deafening silence in the room. The first match last time had taken place between Arian and the late Eion, now Eion was obviously no longer with us.

Commandant Calli: "Arian, I mean you. Come on what's wrong with you children? This your first taste of mortality?"

Arian didn't move, he had never been quick to anger in all his life. But these days, any thought involving his lost best friend inspired a deep-seated hatred in him.

Commandant Calli: "What? Are you still mourning that traitor? Could it be that you were an accomplice to his plans after all?"

Arian began moving towards the arena, he turned his glance to the commandant.

Arian: "Will we be fighting or not?"

The commandant expressed a wide grin before answering his question.

Commandant Calli: "Oh, did you misunderstand the assignment? The point of this mission is how to defend against X grades like you without a weaponizable Boon, hunchback."

"Therefore, it wouldn't make sense for me to mop the floor with you, so I'll leave the honors to Alcaeus."

"Since he might as well not have a Boon at all."

Arian turned his gaze to the murderer now slowly making his way to the arena. He walked steadily, without any unnecessary movements. His colorful eyes rested on Arian with a death glare, he knew that he couldn't remember anything, but all the same.

Arian still remembered.