I had been dragged here by the commandant, someone I thought I'd killed all but an hour ago. The old man ended up agreeing with her initiative, apparently, it'll bring up my reputation. I don't see why that matters though, I'm still their God, and they're still mortals, why should I have to earn their admiration?

I made my way to my opponent, the commandant had just called him an X grade. That means he has a powerful active Boon, I wonder whose favor he's got tucked in there.

As I got into the arena I sensed his malice, he was bloodthirsty. I'd gotten well acquainted with that energy after dueling the commandant.

Alcaeus: "It would be wise of you not to go into this blind with wrath, it dulls the senses."

Arian: "I did not expect you to understand emotions, what with you being a glorified toaster."

Arian was boiling over, he could barely hold on to his senses every time that murderer opened his mouth.

They readied themselves, but all Alcaeus did was slightly raise his hands and arch forward.

Arian looked back in a haste, the commandant would soon issue them to begin, he only had seconds to formulate a plan.

(No luck, I'm not in a calm enough state of mind to think about this rationally.)

(But that's not much of an issue. Anger provides its own set of advantages as well.)

Commandant Calli: "Begin!"

The X grade brought his hands together, the second they clasped a jet of ice was launched forward.

(So that's how you activate it. I'll have to aim for his arms then.)

It shot straight at him, but he did nothing but swerve away. Arian quickly moved his palms to target him, trying to anticipate his moves. But the second he pulled the wave in his direction, Alcaeus leapt straight over it. Arian couldn't channel continuously for long, and the moment he stopped his opponent dashed towards him.

(I'm only a few feet away. It seems this will be a short battle.)

Arian brought his palms together again, but he was too slow. The second he tried it, Alcaeus shot his left arm out and clasped one of Arian's hands.

It all happened in about 15 seconds.

The second he clasped Arian's hand, Alcaeus sidestepped him, then grabbing onto the elbow with his free hand, crashed the other forward. He snapped his arm backwards from the elbow.

The crunch produced echoed throughout the gymnasium, the sound resembled that of a dry twig getting trampled underfoot.

Arian nearly fainted at that moment, the only thing keeping him conscious was the rage he had in his heart.

That's what drove him to make the following reckless decision. Minutes before the commandant called the match, Arian twisted himself onto Alcaeus.

(…What? I'm glued to his broken arm?!)

Right after noticing the thin sheet of ice covering his hands, Arian's working arm pried itself under his chin. Pressing his body completely onto Alcaeus, he began freezing him over.

Alcaeus: "Stop, unless you want me to shatter it completely."

His statements only enraged Arian further, now firmly locking himself onto Alcaeus, he remained unmoving through the adrenaline. It was all he could muster just to hang on and slowly channel his Boon, but, it wasn't enough.

Alcaeus: "Have it your way then!"

Alcaeus ripped his hand off of Arian, taking pieces of skin and muscle with it. He twisted his free hand until it reached Arian's face, then grabbing onto his hair, he prepared to whip him overhead, crashing him into the floor.


All gathered looked back at the voice, they saw the horror in her eyes. She was pleading for the life of a traitor. Aurora was begging the God while using his mortal name.

Alcaeus looked on into the crowd, trying to find who the voice belonged to.

Alcaeus: "Who dares inter-?!"

(Who… is she?)

(Those eyes… Her hair…!)

After prying himself off Arian he fell flat on his knees, before arching into himself and seemingly shrieking in pain.

The gathered crowd was completely suspended in shock, they all stared at the broken God, none knew what was wrong with him.

Soon Alcaeus devolved into a complete frenzy. He began striking the floor, it seemed as if he was trying to dig his own grave.

The commandant seeing all of this immediately rushed over to restrain him.

She leaped into the arena, but at that moment, Alcaeus got up to face her.

There was a madness in his eyes, the commandant was well accustomed to it from years on the battlefield.

(Damn us, those are the eyes of a man with no concern over what happens to him.)

Commandant Calli: "Calm down now, Alcaeus. Sheath your wrath, you have no enemies here."

But Alcaeus didn't speak, he didn't even move in response. All he did was stare at her with the same savage look.

(He must be beyond small talk then.)

Commandant Calli: "All of you able to fight, stay! Those worried for their lives, leave now!"

The crowd devolved into a swarm, screaming and pushing others away, they rammed themselves out of the small exit. By the end of it, only two students had remained.

Palae: "Arian's still there! He's hurt, commandant!"

Commandant Calli: "Then help me preoccupy Alcaeus while your other friend gets him out of there!"

After a brief exchange of nods, the two charged the berserker.

The commandant made first contact, she knocked him under the chin with a quick uppercut. But the beast barely flinched over it, instead, he quickly grabbed onto the commandant's shoulders. There was no battle strategy in his mind, his goal was destruction. The berserker began squeezing from both sides, slowly crushing her.

Commandant Calli: "Ah! Damn-!"

Palae made it behind him just in time, with a swift turn, her foot whizzed through the air, knocking him behind the head with her heel. The momentum alone knocked him off the commandant, but it barely scratched him. In a moment he raised his head up as if nothing had happened.

Palae: "What kind of monster is he?!"

Commandant Calli: "The angry kind! Brace yourself!"

The berserker crashed into them both, then turning towards the commandant, shot his fist straight through her abdomen.

Palae: "Commandant!"

Palae, having been knocked down to her knees from before, could now only look on in horror as the Commandant strained in anguish.

The string of guts and flesh weaved into his arm as he pulled her off. The commandant fell lifelessly to the ground.

Palae looked to her side, Aurora had already dragged the injured Arian out of the arena.

(Just have to buy a few more minutes.)

Alcaeus turned, his eyes trained on Palae. His mind was empty, devoid of any thought except that of ending her.

He began his slow march.


(Does he know I can't escape since I'm buying time for the others?!)

It was enough to drive a person mad, the savage was calmly making his way to her.

Palae ran to him instead, vaulting overhead she landed behind Alcaeus. After a quick duck, she hooked back his leg with a kick, bringing the monster to his knees.

(That's it, with his center lowered I can reach his nape.)

(It doesn't matter how mechanical something is, if your brain is what controls your body, a cervical fracture will immobilize you.)

She took a step, before jetting a front kick right to the back of his neck. Her foot made contact, knocking him down to the ground.

Palae: "Hah! Not so tough now, are ya?!"

Palae turned to look back at Aurora, she was dragging Arian outside the doorway. Her mission was complete.

Palae: "Thank the Gods-"

She couldn't finish her sentence, a hand had covered her jaw completely while another rested on her head.

Palae: "Mmnnn!"

(Am I going to die here?)

The berserker had gotten up, he had been looming over her this whole time. Now he had her in his clutches, with just one swift motion he could rip her head off.

†††: "Not so fast!"

The grinding sound of metal rang out, and Palae saw the tip of a strangely hooked blade impale his arm from her side.

Commandant Calli: "That's enough, Tifon!"

Bringing back the blade she dragged the monster with it to the ground, before slamming her elbow into him.

She didn't have much time now, barely holding Alcaeus down she fumbled for the spot that Phrosyne had used to deactivate him.

(Where could it be?!)

Commandant Calli: "There!"

His hair had covered it partially, but there was a compartment etched into him. With a brief thrust, she pried it open, then crashing her fingers through the device, ended his madness.

The monster ceased his struggle at once, motionlessly falling to the ground like a puppet without strings.

The commandant got up, and after picking up her dagger, she quickly sheathed it back into her belt. Palae stared at Alcaeus, now resting frozen on the ground.

Commandant Calli: "Are you alright, kid?"

After a brief silence, Palae got up.

Palae: "Thank you… But-"

The commandant turned around, pulling up the fallen.

Commandant: "I'm sorry, I can't answer your questions."

She chucked Alcaeus over her shoulder as she walked towards the exit. But just before leaving, she twisted her head to the side.

Commandant Calli: "…Good job, soldier."

With these last words, the commandant exited the gymnasium, leaving Palae on her own.

Palae: "Augh, damn! I think I shattered my heel with that last kick."

Dragging herself out of the gym, Palae made her way to the infirmary.

(I'm sure Aurora took Arian there. Gods help us, what an injury…)

Aurora: "Arian? Can you hear me?!"

She was pulling him through the corridors, there was only one staircase left before they reached the infirmary on the 1st floor.

Arian's broken arm was dangling from his side, it looked like even a gentle breeze could snap it off completely.

She crashed them both through the infirmary doors, luckily the school nurse was in.

Nurse Ias: "!!!"

Aurora: "Nurse Ias… His… Arm…!"

Aurora could barely speak, she'd exhausted herself carrying him down.

Nurse Ias: "Set him down!"

The nurse ran to his side, Aurora had laid him on the bed.

Many students had compared Nurse Ias to an actual angel. Some of this was of course, on account of her kindness and love for children, but mostly, it was due to her Boon. With her favor, she was capable of accelerating the healing process of anyone injured that she came in contact with.

Nurse Ias: "By the Gods… What happened to him?"

The power of the nurse's Boon was unmistakable, in only a few moments the bone was reconnected.

Aurora: "It was… An accident at the gym."

Before the nurse could question her further, Palae rammed herself through the infirmary door.

Palae: "Have room for another? Haha…-"

She fell face-first into the floor.