The Valyrian expansion brings them into conflict with Nymeria, the warrior-queen of the Rhoynar, realizes that they cannot stand against dragons and in incredible coincidence Gandalf seeing there plight helps them escape to Westros.
On the ships the Ryonish inhabitants with there Queen Nymeria watches as Dragons hovers above the there city,they unleashes flames and destroying many things in the inferno.
Nymeria teared up seeing this asked Gandalf with slight fear"Will they not see us."
Gandalf shook his head and replied"No,I made to sure to cover the ship with my magic.So they won't be able to see it hear us."
Originally Gandalf was thinking of bringing them to Middle Earth,but Galadriel told him, it is best for them to move to middle Earth.
So Rhoynar with there Queen Nymeria migrated to Dorne, after being driven from the Rhoyne River network in Essos by the Valyrians.
There Nymeria would marry Lord Mors Martell and helps House Martell conquer the rest of Dorne, finally unifying the region as one kingdom.Nymeria has openly took Gandalf as friend of Dorne and even took the religion as Valar to show she values his friendship.(She was smart enough to recognize how valuable Gandalf was.)
This was heard by Great Great Grandson of Maevar,Rhevas Aertheon heard some wonders about immortal beings in middle earth,this was supplied by some Sanor Traders who had connection with Westros,so greedy to know about the secrets of immortallity, Valyria decided to launch an attack on Middle Earth taking many of there Dragon Riders and quite number ships with them.
The Valyrian Dragon riders soars through a cloudless sky, over an oceans giving a roar to make the enemy fear them,it was there arrogance that led to there defeat.
When there group of Valyrian Dragon swooped down to middle Earth,they didn't expect an army waiting for them.But that wasn't all,a whole group of Dragon with there riders were hovering over the army.
Some of these dragons were humongous and way bigger than any of their.The shock was broken,
When the Dwarven reapeater scorpion launches multiple Black Arrow and it flies off at high speed,It hurtles through the air and sinks all the way to the feathers, pierces the scales and into Dragon's chest and completely comes out of his back.
Some of Dragons are shot in th wings and lungs, they forward in pain and fear, then struggles to fly into the sky with massive effort before falling into the sea.
Rhevas watched as multiple black arrows zipped through the air at speeds which made none of even able to react as their dragons got shot down and fallen to sea dead.
Rhevas was able to hide behind the another rider,who got shot,the Dragon roared and wheezing in pain, then gasps for breath.Rhevas could see the Dragon's eyes lose their light, and it falls back down into the sea.
Rhevas fearing for his life quickly ordered'Retreat back to Valyria."
The remaining surivors retreated,when they returned to Valyria,Rhevas found out there ships all were drowned.
Rhevas was mad in his own way,this defeat made him lose face.He made sure to swore all the survivors to secrecy,but few of them still kept records among them was a Tagaryen,whose accounts would be later read by Rhaenys and Visenya.
So he with other survivors started practicing blood magic and other dark arts, delving deep into the earth for secrets and twisting the flesh of beasts and men to fashion monstrous and unnatural chimeras.All this to conquer Middle Earth,which again caused problems for Valyria.
This brought the destruction of Valyria by angering not just the Valar and their own gods.So before taking action the Valyrian gods was able to send a vision to some of the houses they had chosen to survive this whole thing,but only one of then took it seriously,that was Danys Targaryen had a vision of impending catastrophe and arranged to have his family removed from the Freehold.The Targaryen family took control of the island, which is used as a trading post with the Seven Kingdoms.
Soon the Doom of Valyria would happen.