Harald Stark Draft

Harald Stark wasn't going to let this go,so he took his banner man and fleet from Stony Shore to Lannisport.They prayed to Ulmo for save and fast journey.

Harald Stark and his men quickly arrived in Lannisport,then the chaos and bloody mess started,with how quickly the North responded Leonard Lannister couldn't muster a full powered response in time.

The battle was bloody and Leonard Lannister knew the Casterly Rock would be breached soon and they had much greater casualty than.

So Leonard Lannister met with Harald Stark,who was drenched in blood the name bloody wolf.

The Lannister had to part with lot of there wealth to compensate the damages.This would create in Westerlands wealth,but also ego and prestige.

While going back Harald Stark simply said"A wolf always protects it's pack and it doesn't care the enemy is lion or not."

This would make the Lannisters hate the Starks,but they also wary of the North.This defeat would still be shadow over the Lannister's,who would always have slight fear of the North,only ones who didn't take them seriously ended up with lot and this would be Arrogant Father and daughter pair.

While Eragon met up with Harald,who had strong built and huge beard.He was wearing a wolf fur around his shoulders and didn't look one bit guilty,as Harald having a stoic face replied"If you are going to scold me saying Ia m impulsive,then I don't care they attacked my people and I returned it to them in kind."

Eragon sighed and replied"I am not here to scold you for your impulsiveness.Since what you did was the right thing."

Harald was shocked as Eragon continued"If you had let this go,the small folk would have lost faith in you and another issue is Westerlands would become bolder with there attacks.That is not something you could afford,with this you showed that, you are not one to take it lying down."

Eragon patting Harald in the shoulder walked away,while all this was happening Gandalf was going to Rhoynar,since there

Nymeria, the warrior-queen of the Rhoynar, Gandalf having finalized the trading agreement was happy to present the sword made from Magic steel

Nymeria while doing couple of test swings were shocked at how light and sharp the sword was,so she questioned"Is this made of Valrian steel?"

Gandalf shook his head and replied"No,this is something our people created themselves.But it is strong enough to damage Valyrian steel."

Nymeria looked at Gandalf as if he had grown another head,but decided to test it on Valyrian Steel sword she had bought and let's just the say the results shocked her,the Valyrian steel sword was actually chipped off.

Nymeria with gleam in her eyes asked"Could you sell more of these swords to us?"

Gandalf smoothly lied"No,I am afraid these are harder to make and it takes time to create one too."

Nymeria sighed and muttered"I guess that is true."

But with next ten years the Rhyonar would face the Valyrians.