Chapter 67

[A/N:After this fanfic is finished,I am thinking of House of Dragon and Harry Potter fanfic,where Harry is reborn as a Hightower and he hates his family and runs away ending up with Daemon.Who takes him in and becomes a father figure,Harry goes far to cut ties with his Otto and take a different name.Also he will be with Rhaenyra again,he will not be full OP.Also another thing is if you want him to have a dragon either Vhagar or Vermithor]

Daemon Blackfyre quickly learned he lost the right to claim the throne. The poor boy lost many of his supporters then and there, but he knew if captured they will be executed.

So with his supporters and half-brother Aegor, he went into battle, just like everyone thought Daemon was killed in battle. While Aegor ran away with his widowed wife and children.

After that three Blackfyre rebellions took place and each time they were defeated. The last of the male line was killed in battle, but some from the female side escaped into essos.

While Middle Earth, New Valyria, and North kept a neutral stance. Eragon only kept contact with Tyrells, Dorne and North in Westeros.

While Targaryen kings came and went, so 60 years later Aerys II Targaryen took the throne, and he showed great promise during the start of his reign.

During this time many older game of thrones players were born,Tywin Lannister and Olenna Redwyne or future Tyrell.

While in the north there was a slight issue which Rickard Stark the new King of North,who was slightly paranoid during the time.He was slightly afraid of Middle Earth pulling their support whenever they wanted and destroying them like the five kingdoms almost got destroyed during the reign of Baleor the fool.

So he kept a distance and Rickard had made quite a few friends in the south, which were Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully.

Eragon knew all this,but didn't say anything.Also if Middle Earth really pulled the plug and cut ties with the North.

These ties Rickard created won't work, since the blessings of the Valar will also be gone from the North.

Now Eragon was meeting Gandalf and Saruman,who visited the North,they were still very respected in the North.

Eragon looking at both of them questioned"I heard Saruman has taken a new apprentice?"

Saruman nodded and replied"Ollena Redwyne,the girl has a sharp wit, high cunning and intelligence. She is politically astute too."

Eragon hummed and said"Have you heard about the massacre of House os Reyne?"

Saruman nodded,while Gandalf with a frown replied"Tywin Lannister,I must say he is the most ruthless Lannister in while.The last one was Tyland, but even he had some limits."

Eragon nodded remembering Tyland supporting Aegon,while Saruman added"The young Tywin is

emboldened by his recent military experience in the War of the Ninepenny Kings, he has any surviving Reynes - man, woman, and child - put to the sword, he is making sure to set an example to any vassal who would dare challenge Casterly Rock again. "

The eradication of House Reyne is the first major step in the return to glory of House Lannister, in which Tywin almost singlehandedly rebuilt the fortunes and strength of his House. Impressed with Tywin's ruthlessness, Aerys II Targaryen appoints him as his new Hand of the King. Tywin continues to ably serve in this position for next twenty years, during which the Seven Kingdoms and the Lannisters, in particular, enjoy peace and prosperity.