Chapter 68

After this time many game of throne players were born.

Aerys had a son Rhaegar with Rhaella.

While Rickard and Lyarra Stark had 4 children Brandon Stark,Eddard Stark,Lyanna Stark and Benjen Stark.

For Tullys it was Catelyn, Lisa and Edmure Tully.

In Bartheons case Robert,Stannis and Renly.

For Lannisters, it was Cersei, Jaime and finally Tyrion Lannister.But giving birth to Tyrion had complication,which led to the death of Twyins wife Joanna.Thus any kind of love or warmth in Twyin's heart was extingushed,he went and found someone to blame Joanna's death on and it was Tyrion,who was blamed for the whole thing.Also with time Tyrion will be hated by his older sister Cersei beacause of Tywin's actions or beliefs.

Last we have Little finger.

Rickard during this time was trying to make more connections in the south,due to his paranoia regarding middle earth.The man was slightly manipulated by Hoster Tully and Jon Arryn into making a betrothal for his eldest son Brandon and Catelyn Tully,it was a decision opposed by many of his advisors.

But Rickard was stubborn and stood with the decision,while during this time Ned became close to Robert Bartheon.Let's just say Robert obessed over Ned's sister Lyanna,which was something Lyanna ignored.

Lyanna Stark hated Robert Bartheon for two reasons,the man was hypocrite by proclaiming his love for her and at the same time sleeping with whores and even having a bastards.

King Aerys II Targaryen's wife Queen Rhaella give birth to their second son, Viserys Targaryen and cracks begin to appear in Aerys's demeanor.

He refuses to marry his son Rhaegar to Tywin's daughter Cersei, instead having Rhaegar marry Princess Elia Martell of Dorne. Aerys becomes paranoid over talk in the castle that Tywin is the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Aerys has Ser Ilyn Payne's tongue ripped out with hot pincers when he was overheard whispering (accurately) that Tywin was the real man holding the realm together at this point.

Rhaenyra and Eragon always got reports about the five kingdoms.

Eragon was curious questioned"What is your view on Rhaegar?"

Rhaenyra shook her head and answered"I don't know,he looks and acts normal.But I have seen many act the same and soon start showing signs of madness."

Eragon nodded,his wife was right about the madness.Rhaegar Targaryen tried many times to get in contact with Middle Earth or New Valyria,but he was rejected each time similar to Aerys,since the boy also showed the same signs.

Rhaegar was obesssed with prophesy of prince who was promised will start the rebellion.

Aerys madness increased after the Defiance of Duskendale. Lord Darklyn of Duskendale refuses to pay his taxes, and takes Aerys captive. Tywin and Barristan Selmy rescue Aerys. The Darklyns are burned alive for their treachery. Already suffering from bouts of mental instability, later historians claim that the stress of Aerys's imprisonment shattered what was left of his sanity. He retreated from public view for the next few years and refused to allow blades in his presence anymore (except those of his Kingsguard), developing a deranged appearance with uncut and filthy hair hanging to his waist, and uncut fingernails growing several inches long.