Chapter 69

Gandalf and Saruman were asked by Rhaegar to talk about trade deals,this was a way to at least keep some relationship with New Valyria.It took a lot of discussions to get to this point.

Also Tywin was trying to cozy up the two Ishtari at that time.He has tried several methods to get secrets of Magic and Valar steel,but it never worked.

Tywin was also super careful not to poke too deep into it,he knew provoking Middle Earth or North wasn't a good option.

While this was working,Gandalf in the past had started to help out some of the women who had no form of earning and were forced to turn to brothels.So Gandalf created Taverns that employed women.It was named Grey Beards Taverns,which had all kinds of food from different kingdoms, it was pretty famous throughout the Five Kingdoms.

Also during this time, Gandalf came across a girl named Tysha,who Gandalf grew fond of and adopted her.

This little encounter would not only change Tysha's fate,but also Tyrion Lannister.Who would fall for this girl.

The Valar foresaw the tragic ending of Tysha and Tyrion.So they made sure to avoid it by sending Gandalf and the Valar also felt that Tyrion Lannister had much potential and it shouldn't be wasted.

Tysha was being attacked on the road when Tyrion and Jaime Lannister arrive and run them off.

Tyrion falls completely in love with her and with time comes to know she works at "Grey Beards Tavern" and She was the adopted daughter of Gandalf the grey.Which shocked the hell out of Tyrion,while he soon would come to meet Gandalf face to face.He even questioned the man,just to confirm if he isn't a imposter.But Tyrion knew Istari are very well known and pretending to be one of them could cause the person to be hunted down by North,Middle Earth and New Valyria.

Tyrion was in awe,he always wanted to meet theIstari,elves and Dwarves.It was his dream,since he read about them.

Gandalf was now studying Tyrion,who was squirming because of Gandalfs intense gaze.

Gandalf questioned"Why are you interested in my granddaughter,boy?

Tyrion answered, "I love her because she sees me for me rather than a Dwarf or Lannister."

Gandalf nodded and with a sigh and said"I have nothing against you,but your father has been trying to get close to either New Valyria or us Ishtari."

Tyrion winced,he knew his father has been using a lot of gold and even sucking up to anyone who can get him close to Targaryen's from New Valyria or elves of Middle Earth.So he could understand the wariness.

Tysha cut in"Grandfather, he is not like that."

Gandalf sighed and said"Sorry,I am just worried about how your father would react to this."

Tyrion shook his head and replied"You don't have to worry,my father doesn't care about me one bit."

Gandalf heard about Tywins hate for his youngest child, so he pitied the boy for something that was out of his control.

Gandalf even heard that Tywin's daughter seems to have followed her father's in that regard.As she treated hee brother with absolute disgust.

Gandalf strikes a match and lights his pipe and then blows a perfect smoke ring and watches it rise into the air. After that he blows a tiny sailing ship with masts and sails glides through the Center of the smoke ring.

Gandalf sighed and said"I hope you are right,young Tyrion."

Tyrion seeing Gandalf approved Tysha and his relationship was so happy that he found a drunken, wandering septon to marry them. He buys them a cottage, so they can live together as man and wife.

When the drunken septon sobers up, he tells Lord Tywin Lannister about the marriage.

Tywin was furious when he heard about this and thought Tysha was a social climber of common blood had married into the noble House Lannister.

Jaime is unaware that the marriage had taken place, but his father told him that the girl is just after money, and they need to convince Tyrion to give her up for his own good. He convinced Jaime to lie to Tyrion, to tell him that Tysha is a prostitute that he had hired to make a man of Tyrion.But Tywin did have something darker in his mind to torturer Tyrion, it didn't go as planned and Twyin Lannister lost another heir with that stunt.

Also any chance to have a good relationship with Ishtari and the son he hated the most would go to become of the trusted members among Eragon's council.Something that made Tywin regret his decisions for the rest of his life.