I can’t fucking control my Temper

Antonio pov,

"I'm going to ask this just one more time." I paused and gazed at the little bitches faces for effect. They were trembling like jelly fishes, thier checks  had red finger prints on of being slapped multiple times by me. I intend to send them to thier maker if they keep lying to me.

Yeah judge me all you want, I don't hurt ladies but for the sake of my princess, I'm ready to break every goddamn freaking rule.

Those ex-brothers of hers need to pay. I fucking need to find them and these girls are my quickest link to them.

I mean if they were Clarissa bully and classmate, they should know clarrissa's brothers too.

"Give me the goddamn location of those bastards!" I yelled and they flinched holding on to each other.

"We...we really don't know the...thier address.  I...I swear. We only know thier names and we know they had a toxic relationship with clarrisa too but that's all we know. If I know thier address I would just call it out. It's not like I'm friends with them." The rose girl stuttered out in tears. As I stared at her, I hate to admit this but they seem to be saying the truth.

I puffed out in faustration and just asked them to repeat the names they've earlier called out and every single details they know about them.



And Dennis Clitton was the names.

Registering that in my head, I headed for the door.

"Pl...please sir..." one of thier Crying voice brought me to a halt. I turned to face them. "Can you please let us go already? We are tired of staying here. Our parents will be looking for us by now. Please pretty please I'm begging you." She cried.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but No will do. For your information Staying here isn't enough for what you did to my sister.

Your savior now is that you're girls, else I would have made you learn your lessons in a tougher way." I said and nodded to the guard standing at the door entrance.

He knew what to do. He nodded and went to tie up the girls.

As I walked out of the basement, they continue crying and begging me to let them go but I gave no fuck.

Before going to my office, I checked on the other fucker Maximo and he was still on bed, under drips.

As I was at my office, I searched online for the best investigators here in Italy. About 10 of them turned in for it. I just gave them the details of the three idiots promising to pay sum of $10,000,000 to the person who can get the job done within 24 hrs.

Hell I just couldn't wait.

Jayden's P.O.V,

Flash back.

"Where the fucking hell are we going? This place looks a bit creepy." I said to Kayla who whose arms was wrapped around mine as we were walking through some forest.

"Cmon don't tell me you are getting scared or something" she whined beside me. I hates it when she whines cause it makes her look so cute and her cuteness is my weakness. Urghh!!

"you know I'm just worried about you babe. At least I can take care of myself but I don't want anything to happen to you. It'll kill me you know." I grumbled.

"Cmon Nothing will happen to me."

"Still at that I should have at least bring my phone and  even a small pistol will do. Anything can happen. Fuck! What was I thinking listening to you." I complained.

"Like I said we going to my parents burial grand. They won't honor it if we go all armed. Beside it's just a cemetery." Once again she won.

" bene (Fine)." I grained, Rolling my eyes.

After walking for some minutes we finally arrived at open quite place. Everywhere was greeny and tombs were stationed at different spot. Kayla led me to a particular tomb and said that was her mother's tomb. She introduced me to her as the man she want to marry.

My heart fluttered. I pulled her in for a kiss and kissed my fiancée passionately.

We then went to her father's tomb and she did same thing.

"Jayden Meet my father and father meet Jayden.  the man I want to spend the rest of my life with." She said with a giggle.

After greeting her dad grave, with a smile, I turned round to place a peck on her forehead.

The moment my lips came in contact with hers, a buzzing sound interrupted me. Turning sharply to my side, I realized about four cars had surrounded us. Men on black suits bounced out of the car immediately, completely armed.

"Jayden De Costa!" One of the man yelled and I vividly recognized him, he's Pablo our mortal enemy.

In confusion and suprise, I moved my gaze back to Kayla  and she have this skeptical look on her face, she avoided my gaze and moved over to where the other man were standing.

"What are you doing here Pablo." I growled.

"Well, at last Jayden we finally got you" he smirked and turned to his boys.

"Boys what are you waiting for, get him!!" Pablo yelled angrily and some of his boys was coming to attack me in troop.

Taking off my jacket in a flash and Rolling up my sleeves, I skillfully seized the first hand that wanted to grip me. I twisted his hands till his arm broke then I pushed him to the ground. Instantly, I attacked the second guy.

When they all tried taking me down at once, I starts swerving, dodging some of thier punches and kicks while I threw punches and kicks to anyone that came my way. I was able to take down about 10 men in matter of minutes, putting in my skills and training I've received from childhood.

The only barrier  was that I had no gun. By this time I've taken down more of Pablo boys, I was bleeding from my knuckles, nose and lips and for the first time, I was weak beyond words.

I felt drained and I could feel my strength betraying me but I was able to get hold of two guns and putting it into use, I starts running and firing everywhere.

The place had turned into a gunfire scene, everyone was firing at me but I skillfully dodged their bullets while taking covers. Pablo's men kept increasing in numbers as they tropes out of the car.

I know I ain't gonna make it out here alive but hell, I ain't gonna make this shit easy for them. The de costas are known to fight.

As I kept firing, the unexpected happened, bullets got exhausted. Fuck fuck fuck! I searched my pocket for phone to make a call to my brothers but realized I can't as I didn't bring my phone.

Fuck that Alicia tricked me. A bullet penetrated into my leg, I winced and fell to the ground. Before I could stand up, Pablo's boys surrounded me. Fuck I'm trapped.

I starts using my gun to hit thier faces as they were trying to get me, rolling on the ground.

"Jayden! Just give up boy" Pablo growled and shot me trice on the leg.

I screamed out my lungs. I couldn't help it.

I was weak and paralyzed. My body surrendered unable to move. I was bundled by the boys and thrown into the boot.

They sprayed tear gas on me making me  sneezed and black out.

I woke up to find myself in a pitch black room. I tried moving but was restricted, I was tied down on a chair. I couldn't feel my legs. I tried moving it but then a sharp pain shoots through me like a bitch, I screamed out my lungs.

Just then the door opened and Pablo walked in with some boys.

"Wow wow wow il cavaliere assonnato finalmente si è svegliato."Pablo smirked  walking towards me.

[english: Wow wow wow sleepy knight finally woke up.]

"Che diavolo vuoi da me?" I spat, breathing heavily.

(What the hell do you want from me?)

He scoffed and starts walking around me.

"You know I've been longing for this day. The day I'll finally have a de costa under my net. If someone would tell me this day will ever come, I'll deem that impossible. The de costas I know never let down thier guard but then Kayla  was able to pull it off." He bubbled and that was when my eyes located Kayla . She grinned triumphantly at Pablo while I glared her in disbelief.

"Anyways let's bite the bullet Jayden" Pablo say and knelt before me. "I want you to tell me the password of Antonio's mining gold house and his sources for weapons and drugs. Your biggest revenue clients and lastly how exactly to get Antonio. He's the only one I need. You know, you are helpless now, you are outnumbered. No one is coming for you. It's either you comply or fucking face the consequences." He said patting my shoulder in a mocking manner.

"That's bullshit. Even if you kill me Pablo I'm never going to betray my brothers nor my family business. If I were you, I'll just kill me now cause you'll be wasting your goddamn Time if you think I'm ever gonna rat out our secrets to you" I barely finished that before he brought out a Jack knife and stab me at my arm.

I fought back a scream as I felt the excruciating sting at the spot.

"You know," still holding on to the knife, he starts twisting it, I was panting to conceal the burning pain that emit from the spot.

"I'm gonna kill you either ways. But if you comply now, I'll just give you an instant death instead of a slow painful death." He said slowly.

My left hand was completely covered with blood as he pulled out the knife.

"To hell with you Pablo..." I growled at his face and that got him wild. He punched my nose so hard that it broke. He shove his boot at my stomach, I coughed out blood and went crashing to the ground with the chair.

"Boys handle him." Pablo commanded and his boys nodded then approached me on the ground in troops.

They untied me from the chair and slammed the chair on my back. I felt my backbone break, a sharp pain spiral around me.

My body screamed in pains.

Hard punches and kicks met my body as the boys completely beat me to whipness, Tossing me on the floor like trash.

I felt so useless, I couldn't do anything. I could only cough out blood.

Guns slammed against my face multiple times, at a point I couldn't feel my head anymore. I could only see stars.

I was stripped naked, only left in my boxers.

Iced water was poured on me and my body shivered in cold.

They left me battered on the floor.

Days passes by and I remained in Pablo custody. I'd went through all types of torture that I was already  at verge of death.

All my life In mafia, I've never been through any form of torture.

My arms were broken, my ribs broken, I stinks of blood.

my legs which I'd been shot was rotting off.

Pains, hell and purgatory described my life. I woke up and dwelled in pains for one whole week.

I could only hope for my brothers to find me and get me out of here.

I was tied down on the chair when the door slammed open.

My heart leapt at the thought of Pablo coming again to torture me with his boys.

Yeah my heart leapt. Whatever fearless mask I'd on, Pablo had completely shattered it.

My pride, ego and dignity was rotting down the drain.

But my panic replaced wit anger when I realized it was this devilness—Kayla.

'Finally you decided to show up huh?" I wanted to yell but fuck my voice betrayed me, it was breaking due to the numbness of my body. I gritted teeth, seeing red.

"I brought you food." She said and dropped the dishes she was holding before my feet.

"Why did you do this to me.huh? Afterall I've done for you. I loved you so much with all my life. I trusted you, I gave you my heart and I was ready die for you if I've to and this is what I get?" Traitorous tears flowed down my eyes. I'd rarely cries. Infact I don't remember when last I cried. I may be considered weakest among my brothers but in mafia, there's no room for tears.

However, I'd truelyv loved  Kayla even more than my own life. How could she betray me? It hurts. It hurts so much.

"Well, That was all the plan. I work for Pablo and the plan was To sneak into your lives make one of you fall in love with me so I can get my paws on you. Unfortunately you fell into the trap." She stood up and brought her face close to mine.

"If there's anyone to blame. It's yourself. You are too weak for your own fucking good. You let your emotions get best of you which was quite a golden advantage for me.

For your sake just give Pablo what he want and end this misery." Kayla said and starts opening the food.

"Pray... pray I don't get out here alive or I swear you'll regret your existence" I growled angrily. The bitch  smirked and untied me. She shove out a spoon full of rice and pointed it to my mouth. After glaring hard at her, I spat on her ugly face.

"Seriously!!" She yelled and didn't only slapped me but dump the food all over me then walked out of the smelling hellhole I was in.

Anger was missed with the physical pains I was feeling anf it wasn't a good feeling at all.

Hell, at this point, I just wanted to die already.

*Flash back  ends*

Staring at the reflection of myself in the mirror, all I see is red, pure red. Reflecting back on my past filled me with uncontrollable rage, a kind of rage like burns  like hell.

I wasn't entirely angry for what happened to me, instead I was fucking angry for for making my own sister angry at me. She didn't do a shit to me yet I'm taking the out on her—on my sisters. .

My gaze landed on the Drugs on my dresser, they are my I.E.D drugs. They are suppose to suppress this in controllable rage I feels all the time but they aren't fucking do shit.

More anger dominated me. This time I was angry at the goddamn freaking drugs. I bundled the drugs in my palm and squeezed the living hell out of them.

I threw it on the ground and squashed them with my foot. I starts thrashing every single drugs in my room.

Antonio suddenly walked into my room.

"Jayden what the hell do you think you are doing?" Antonio yelled  rushing towards me.

"Jayden what's the meaning of these?" Antonio said with a face of disbelief  referring to the destroyed drugs all over the floor.

"I'm thrashing off waste product. What's it to you huh?" I breathed, barely controlling my anger.

"Aren't these nonsense met to sap my temper but why do I feel like it's increasing it all the more? Don't get me started with I ain't taking them properly." I barked.

Antonio's facial expression went all soft all of a sudden.

"Jayden is this about you and Racheal?" He asked softly and then sighed. "C'mon Jayden. Instead of being mad at yourself. You just have to find a way to talk things out with her. I'm sure she'll understand. Yes she's all pissed at you right now but also note that you both have same disorder. She'll get over it and you both will be fine. Just try a little bit to control your temper in front of..."

"That's the problem." I lashed out. "Don't you get it? I can't fucking  control my temper." I smashed my plasma on the ground and drove my fingers through my hair.

"Jayden si calmi..." Antonio said Mildly trying to touch me but I yanked his hands off.

( Jayden calm down...)

"Non dirmi di calmarmi e non trattarmi con la compassione. Non sono fottutamente infelice" I spat

(Don't tell me to calm down and don't give me the pity treatment. I'm not fucking miserable." I spat angrily.)

Silence and then Antonio sighed kind of faustratedly. I don't care.

"Why are you here by the way?" I asked with no emotion nor staring at him.

"You remember we have an unfinished business..."

"Have you found out her brothers location?" I cut Antonio off. I know he hated being cut off. We all do but I just couldn't help it. Finding clarrissa ex-brothers location is my greatest prioty right now.

After sighing in Ãnnoyance, he said "Not yet."

"Then what's there fucking to talk about?"

"Fucking  Calm down Jayden." Antonio yelled now dead angry but he went calm immediately. "I've sent some professional investigators to do findings on her brothers."?

"Why didn't you ask John?" I asked and I don't even know why I asked that.

"He's been slacking back these days."  Exactly.

"I need someone who'll provide legal information."

"We could just get the goddamn address from those bitches at the basement"

"Already tried but they know no shit. By the way the unfinished business I'm talking about the shipment I've been able to claim everything but clients already back out. I want you to help convince them to re-seal the deal with us.  I've piles of work to do." He said calmly.

"Ask mattoe to do it." I said.


"Just tell mattoe okay. I'm not in the mood for anything right now." I fired at Antonio.

"Calm down bro." Antonio smiled sadly and pats my back before leaving.

Hell,  I need to think of a way to get back in good terms with my sister.

Siting back on my bed, I decided to google ways to ask for apology from your sibling.

I saw so many results but the one that got me was getting a surprise package for them. 

A surprise? What could Racheal  possibly like. More like what could the twins possibly like?
