The bastards are found

Clarissa  P.O.V,

Liam earlier told us he has something to attend to in his room. so he'd to leave me and Racheal. But before he left, he coaxed me and Racheal to calm down. I don't know if I  calm down exactly but I stopped crying.

When Racheal stormed out of the dining angrily, I'd to follow her cause with that mood I knew she might do something razz.

Not like I'd that much courage to control her but I just found my feet followed her.

From the moment we got into the room, Racheal walked to the mirror stand and slammed it on the floor.

"Racheal." I gasped barely dodging someone pieces from penetrating my skin.

"Cazzo, perché i buoni devono sempre soffrire, eh?" Racheal barked in Italian.

[Fucking hell, just why do the good ones always have to suffer huh?]

"Huh?" I breathed. She gazed at me for a while and as if realizing that I don't understand Italian. She just sighed.

"It's nothing. I just feel so paranoid. Why do traitors have to get away with everything and the good ones suffers? Why?" She yelled rhetorically. I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet. Why do I feel like Jayden's story got to her more than me?

She may be wearing a strong facade but I know she's hurting.

"Let me just clean this up." Racheal walked into the restroom and came back with a brush and Parker.

She tended to the broken mirror on the floor. I tried helping her out but she refused my help.

Not wanting to get in trouble with her I just obeyed.

Why she was at the restroom, taking a long shower, I was on my bed sketching a teddy bear.

I got myself involved in other to forget about any of my worries.

I didn't know how Racheal had gotten to be standing beside me on the bed until I heard her screamed.

"Wow! Did you seriously drew this from your imagination?" She asked while staring amazingly at my art work.

"Ummmm... yeah...yeah..." I sucked in a breath. She then sat beside me and took the draw book is her hand.

"Wow this is soooo amazing. I feel so jealous. You are one talented artist clarrisa." She complimented my work while staring at it in her hands.

I wanted to believe she was just bluffing or trying to mock me like everyone else but the smiles on her face seemed so genuine.

"Ummm... you... think so?" I said quietly.

"Of course. Now tell me how did you learn this? Where? Just who taught you?" She bubbled enthusiastically.

"Well. I didn't really learn it. I just find myself drawing whenever I'm sad, depressed or happy. It's kinda my hobby. Everyone  ridicules my work though."

"What? Those fuckers are fucking blind." Racheal scoffed and I chuckled.

"Infact I want you to teach me how to draw? Please?" She said giving me a funny poppy face making me chuckle all the more.

"Well on one condition." I said getting free with her again. She gave me a frown. "Teach me Italian." I wasn't joking though.

I really want to learn Italian.

To my shocker, Racheal agreed to teach me Italian.

"Now for starters. Let's start with basic greetings in Italian. Shall we?" Racheal said in a professional ascent making me laugh.

She taught me almost all greetings in Italian and she's really a great teacher because I understood everything she'd taught me.

We soon got tired and hungry.

It was already 1.00 pm and none of our brothers came to our room. Racheal suggested we go prepare ourselves lunch.

I wasn't really comfortable with the idea but just followed her.

When we arrived at the kitchen, we  met Antonio cooking lunch.

I felt a little bit nervous at his presence even though I tried not to.

"How are my Angels doing?" He asked with a smile while flipping veggies in the pan.

Racheal told him we were hungry so we'd come to prepare ourself  food.

Since he was already handling the meal, he told us to go call rest of our brothers for lunch, informing us Jayden wasn't around though.

Even though he was, God knows I ain't goin to his room though.

Even after knowing his past, doesn't change the fact that he's a viper. I mean he can be a viper sometimes.

I went to Liam's room while Racheal went to matoe. After knocking once on Liam, door he let me in.

I met him focused on his laptop. 

"Hey, What's up clarrisa." Liam said glancing at me one time and returning to the laptop.

"sto bene" I said In Italian putting into use what Racheal had taught me.

[I am fine]

He turned to look at me with a confused frown. "Wow. Impressive"

"Well Racheal have been teaching me Italian so I decided to practice." I smiled nervously.

"Wow that's amazing. I'm really glad you two are getting along pretty well." He said and I nodded then I told him Antonio asked me to call him for lunch.

"Okay just go I'll round this up and join you." He said fixing his gaze on the figures in the monitor.

"Uhmm. What's that?" I asked referring to what he was doing. I bit my lips nervously for asking.

"Coding. I want to be a programmer and Ahem, a professional hacker. Don't worry it's the legal one" He told me and smiled my way.

"Oh." I nodded before leaving.

Racheal's POV

When I got to Mattoe door, I forgot the one thing they call manners and walked into the room without knocking.

I met him on a phone call.

"I'll be on my way now and...I love you so much baby. Muah" Was the hot sentence I caught on his lips.

He hung up and when he turned to meet me standing at the door, he gasped in shock.

A web of panic and worry blanketed his face as I was beaming at him with a teasing grin.

"Wo...what the fucking walking fish are you doing here Racheal?" His voice quivered as he asked that. Blinking his lashes.

Aww. Is he embarrassed?

"Don't be a shy baby. I'm your sister you know I'll always support you. Now tell me who's she?" I asked still stamping on my teasing grin.

"I don't know what you are talking about. What are you doing here?" He rushed his words, battling with his lashes.

"You don't know? Okay let me elaborate. Who's the 'baby' you were talking to?" I asked wiggling my brow.

"For fuck sakes Racheal. I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me why you are here cause I'm going somewhere." His voice was now high-pitched which got on my nerves. I mean what's he hiding when I've caught him in the act.

"Whatever Antonio ask me to call you for lunch but since you are going out. I'll just tell him you are going out... to see your baby." I winked at him and ran out with a giggle.

He ran out with me like crazy. I hadn't gotten anyway before he caught up with me.

"Racheal Racheal please you aren't going to say that shit to Antonio." He panted going all serious now.

I gave him a confuse frown. "Why?"

"Racheal please. I'm begging you don't say a word to Antonio or any of our brothers." He said huskily, pleading with his eyes.

"Alright. Alright. I was just joking though but have it at back of your mind that you are going to introduce me to that baby of yours." I said with a smirk. He just sighed and nodded at me.

Then we part ways. Wait... why is he so panicked about not wanting us to know he's dating?!

If you ask me he's old enough to have as many girlfriends as he wants.

Anyways I went to deliver Mattoe  message to Antonio And by that time he was done with lunch. He prepared pancake.

He said he won't be joining us though cause he had to go answer a particular person that has been ringing his phone.

Lunch was just me, clarrisa and Liam.

Antonio pov

I swear if I meet Austin in person, I'll ice him. What the fuvk is with him calling me right in the presence of my siblings. I even bounced it off many times but the idiot kept calling. I've to leave them for lunch and come take the call in my room.

"why the fuck are you  calling me Austin?" I fought the urge not to yell cause I didn't want any of my brothers to hear that name.

I was pacing around my room while holding the phone to my ear.

"And why have you been bouncing off my call?" The idiot scolded.

"Answer the fucking question." I said quietly.

"Well, I heard you looking for best investigator in the country." He sighed.

"Yeah do you really have  to keep monitoring my life?" I groveled.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause I finally found out that one of the twins  was abused by her ex-brothers so I need to find them and make them pay"

"What? Fuck!" He almost got me deaf. "Look I'm getting an investigator right away. They must be found right this instant."

"You don't have to do that Austin leave this to me."

"This is my obligation Antonio. You've done enough." He said calmly and I scoffed.

"See if you really wanna make up  for your mistake you fucking know what to do. Bye." I Cut the call before he could reply. I threw the phone on the bed and drove my fingers through my hair.

Clarrisa p.O.v,

We've just finished having  lunch and we were clearing the dining when Jayden walked in holding two poly bags.

An unexpected shiver ran down my spine.

Racheal looked at him and looked away.

Liam asked him where he'd been? He didn't reply Liam.

He just dropped the poly bag and came to approach us.

He has this pale and doleful look on his face but his eyes was still showing off anger.

He quietly asked about our well-being. Me and my twin.

I gave him a muffled response and Racheal just swallowed gulp not replying him.

To my disbelief, he started apologizing. "Racheal I'm really sorry for  my actions yesterday. I was just trying to make you change your mind because I didn't want you to get in trouble. I swear I didn't mean all those things I said to you." Jayden seethed, puffing out air.

"Still there's some other appealing ways you could have made me change my mind instead of saying those hurtful things to me." Racheal spat with concealed anger and then swallowed a lump.

"I know I fucked up and And that's why I'm fucking apologizing Racheal." He half-yelled, battling with his lashes.

"Wow you deserve an Oscar award  for best apologizer of the century." Liam butt in sarcastically and Jayden glared hard at him. I swear he would have punch Liam  if not that Liam fled for his life taking the dishes as excuse.

With the anger on Jayden's face, I wished I had an excuse to leave too.

This time around Jayden went all soft suddenly and apologized to Racheal properly this time but Racheal was making things difficult for him by wearing on her stone cold facade.

You know I just don't get Racheal.

I don't know whatever Jayden said to her but he looks sorry now even though his eyes was saying otherwise and perhaps we've already known that his temper is as a result of a disorder. 

If you ask me, I think he should be commended for making move to apologize.

He didn't just apologized,  he also got us a surprise package  which was the poly bags he'd brought in.

When he Unpark the poly bag, what he brought out was a square package which he told us was a computer game.

"you know you don't have to buy me stuff for me to forgive you." Racheal said while looking at the game pack with admiration. "If I deem its okay to forgive you then I'll even without you asking"

"Well, I just figured my sister  deserve the whole world for me to be forgiven." Jayden said with a cold smile.

"Its okay.  Thanks for this. I'll just go drop it off in my room." She said and left.

Gezzz why are they all leaving me behind.

When Jayden looked at me, nervousness made me almost drop the game box in my hand.

"Ummmm For...for...this." I stuttered out with a gulp.

"I'm not a demon clarrisa. The stuttering it's uncalled for." He said coldly under his breath.

"I'm sorry." I cooed and he nodded giving me a small smile.

"Now Can you handle it Cmon let me show you." He said referring to the computer game. He led me to the main living room and both sat on the couch. He sat beside me.

He brought out the gadget from its park. It looked so much like a tab. He showed me how to switch it on and also screw through verity of the games in it. A part of me was excited to play them but with Jayden beside me, I felt so nervous. I just kept nodding as he was clicking on different stuffs, telling me their functions. When he was done, he suggested we try out the games together.

At first I felt nervous but find out he was actually a gentle calm teacher and I enjoying the games.

I kept winning of which I know he was the one letting me win, that way each time I win I'll unconsciously cheer for myself cause I was unconsciously into the game.

I was truely grateful. I've never received gifts from any of my ex brothers and considering what's heard of Jayden, it isn't his fault that he get angry easily though I'm very much scared of him but at least I know now it's a disorder.

while we still enjoying the fun. His phone rang. When he checked the caller I.D he excused himself to go take the call. I just nodded at him while still into the game.

He then came back and told me he have somewhere to go.

He gave me a goodbye kiss before leaving. I remained at the living room, playing different games in turns. I was getting so addicted and I don't mind playing these games till the next day.

Rechel POV

I never really like computer games but the particular one Jayden got for us was way different from all the rest.

It was the latest Apple model.

It has variety of games that were grouped by themes. Actions, horror, foods, animals and stuff. After checking out some of the action games, I kept the gadget back into the pack.

I just feel so guilty somehow. I know Jayden bought me this gift for me to forgive him for all the hurtful things he said to me but the thing is I am sure if I should forgive him or not, yet I accepted his gift.

What jayden said to me really hurt me so much, yes I know he got some sort of disorder and he's apologize but I just don't deem it okay to forgive him so soon.

In the mafia, I've always been told that forgiveness is a crime that it makes poeple take advantage of you but this my family right?

God I don't even know what to believe.

At this point I was going through a whale of emotions and

I needed drugs. It's been a while perharps. It's really been long I've taken drugs. I fought the urge to avoid it cause I'm trying to adhere to my brother's rules but I can't deny myself the craving this time.

I headed to Mattoe's room hoping that he isn't back yet from wherever he went. Not like he can stop me but I'll rather not want to curse nuisance.

My thought was betrayed because when I arrived the door, I heard his voice inside. Seems like he was on a call again.

"Seriously? How where you Able to find her brother's location within short notice. Alright alright no need to fucking shout. I'll be on my way now. Of course I won't let him know."

I heard him say all that and didn't hear his voice anymore.

Anger crossed me as I desolved everything he's said. I may not be certain yet but I've this gut feeling insisting that he's talking about clarrisa's brothers.

Seriously how could they lie to me?

I quickly find a place to hide when I heard footsteps. From where I hid, I watched Mattoe walked out of the room.

An idea niggled at me. I decided to trail after him to be sure of my hunch and I so pray that my hunch is right cause I'll so much have fun dealing with those bastards ex-brothers of clarrisa and my brothers too better wait for what's coming cause I ain't gonna forgive them for this.