Broken Trust

Liam's POV,

It's 5pm now and I haven't set a fucking eye on my siblings well Aside from clarrisa whom I met earlier at the living room sleeping on the couch with a computer game.

I wondered where she could have gotten a computer game from. Anyways, she was sleeping awkwardly so I have to carry her to her room.

Extremely gentle and careful, so she won't wake up and thankfully she didn't. she did squirm a little though.

I tucked her under the warm duvet and removed some strands of hair from her face.

I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips. Clarrisa looked so adorable and lovely. She look just as I'd always imagine in my childhood fantasies where I always daydream about having a baby sister.

The thought that some fuckers could have the heart to hurt her, brought tears to my eyes.

After having lunch alone, I'd been looking around for my siblings but to no Avail. I asked the guards and no one fucking saw them.

I called them all round but none answered. In as much as I was angry, I was worried only for Racheal though.

Let it not be that they up to something shitty and get my sister involved. Else.... I draw a blank from here.

Bored at home, I decided to head out to go meet my friends at the track race. It's been long I did car racing.

I had so much fun and went I got back home, I expected to meet my siblings at home but they still weren't back even at 5.

I got to know that when I walked into clarrisa trudging down stairs.

Clarrisa POV

I didn't know how I'd slept and found myself on my bed but I had a really comfied sleep.

I checked the time and it was 5pm. Oops did I sleep that long?

Anyways I headed out of the room and the first place I went was the living room. Everywhere look so serene, dead silent and legit got me scared. But that fear feeling turns to panic when I starts checking out on my brothers at their rooms but they were no where to be found not even Racheal.

I know it's absurd for me to be worried about them because they can obviously protect themselves but still.... they are the my family. The only family I have.

Arriving back at the living room, I met liam walking into the house. He'd helmet on like a biker.

"Liam thank Goodness you are back. Where did you all go? where's the rest of our brothers?" I asked worried.

He took off his helmet and asked in surprise. "they aren't home yet?" It sounds like he was asking himself but I shook my head 'No'

"Fucking hell" he grunted and sighed.

He tried calling them all in my presence but no one was picking. It called them in turns again over and over again but none answered. While he went enraged, I was worried and he noticed it.

"It's alright clarrisa don't waste your time worrying about those big babies. Not when they weren't responsible to tell us where they were going in the first place." Liam said hugging me and stroking my hair. I just nodded.

He smiled and suggested that we prepared dinner for them.

He got rid of the cargo outfit he was clad in and we got into work. We were preparing lasagne.

While we were cooking together, we talked about random stuffs. He asked how I slept and that's how I knew he'd took me down to sleep in the room.

I thanked him anyways for it. He warned me never sleep awkwardly like that again.

He asked where I'd gotten a computer game from and I told him it was a gift from Jayden. He actually got it to ask Racheal for forgiveness for whatever she did. Liam was actually surprised. He told me Jayden never makes any effort to apologize to anyone even when he's solely wrong, he plays victim and maybe he's but going that extent, was really foreign from him.

I asked about my computer game too and Liam told me he'd kept it in my closet.

I also took the chance to ask what happened between Jayden and Racheal but Liam just told me they had a casual quarrel. I didn't push it even though I'd really want to meet the details.

Done with dinner, Liam told me to go freshen up while we wait for our siblings. The moment I walked into my room, I shocked at what I saw. Racheal. No I wasn't exactly surprised to see her but she had blood stain on her cloth, she facing the mirror and using napkin to clean it off.

"Racheal? What happened to you?" I asked really panicking and worried as I moved closer to her.

The blood stain became more vivid. A vision of myself battered on the floor and bleeding after been beaten by my ex-brothers flashed into my memory.

I gulped hard and sniffled to black out the memory. I should be worried about my sister not being selfish with my traumas right now. "It's nothing clarrisa." She said blankly still busy wiping off the stains.

But No I started rambling. "Nothing wouldn't inprint all these blood stains on you. Tell me what happened? Racheal did someone hurt you? You know you can talk to me right?" I was at the brink of tears literally shaking like a jelly fish. No one deserve to be hurt especially not my sister.

"Will you stop this clarry? If maybe someone did hurt me. What exactly will you do about it? Go beat them up or cry lake waters?" She yelled unexpectedly, annoyance now on her face. I gulped and pulled back In surprise. As if being remorseful, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Okay fine. I got into a random fight with some bastards and do you think I'll have these blood stains on me if they'd laid a finger on me.?!" She asked rhetorically. Thinking about that. She really isn't bruised but stained, probably with her opponent blood.

I want to ask her where she went anyway but deem it safe to not dare it.

I stayed in the room as Racheal went to freshen up at the restroom.

Laying on the bed, my eyes roamed about and minutes later, I spotted something at Racheal's bed. Not quite certain of my suspicion, I went to check it and bloody hell it was a gun.

"Gun?" I muttered and shoved it out from beneath the clothes on top.

Just then Racheal walked back in.

"What are you doing clarrisa?" Her voice startled me making the gun drop.

"Racheal what are you doing with a...a..gun?" I quivered. She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Did I ever told you I work in a mafia and you don't expect me to walk about without a gun do you?" She said nonchalantly.

"But where did you go? Did you go out with my brothers? Where did you all went?" I rambled. At least I've a right to know where they went right?

She rolled her eyes and told me she don't know about my brothers but she went out to some bar to have some fun. There was where someone got on her nerves.

I don't know why but I felt she was lying, Infact I felt suspicious of her and that suspicion increased when I was walking out with Racheal heading to the living room.

I heard Liam yelling.

"No, I am not going to stop bugging you until you tell me where the fucking hell you all went to and came back looking like you've all bathed with bloods."

I fought the urge not to look at Racheal.

"Do you know you almost fucking gave our sister a panic attack?" Liam added. "I tried calling you all but you weren't answering my calls. Why?"

"You do know that yelling and acting like a nagging bitch won't make me spill shit so I might as well just shut the hell up if I were you." Matoe voice retorted.

Liam was going to say something but was interrupted by me and Racheal's presence.

All the question he was asking Mattoe he now directed it to Racheal. "Where the fucking hell do you all went Racheal?"

I watched Racheal gave Liam a long frown and then shook her head as if Liam had asked the most weirdest question.

she walked towards the dining area where dishes were arranged on the table.

"Wow these smells delicious." Racheal bubbled.

"You aren't planning to ignore my question Racheal. Are you?" Liam pressed on.

"Will you drop it? What's so important about knowing my whereabouts. At least I came back right?" Her responding with a question just prove that something was amis.

Mattoe groaned out rolling his eyes as if backing Racheal up. Liam just gave

Racheal a long skeptical look before taking his seat.

I also took mine. Mattoe inquired about my day. Dinner was just the four of us. At least even though I didn't have the courage to press hard on where they all went, I manage to ask about my eldest brothers and Mattoe told me they have work at their company.

I was both suspicious and worried.

Suspicious that they may be into something bad and worried that it might put them in harms way.

Antonio's POV,

I can proudly say yesterday was my most fulfilled day. I've wished and achieve many things in life but none could be more fulfilling than finding the bastards who hurt my baby sister. My princess. In as much as yesterday was good I bet today will be more... fuck I can't get the word. Torturing my offenders has always been drug for me but The view of torturing the very bastards that messed with the pupil of my eye is heaven.

Right now, I was standing before the mirror buttoning up my suit jacket.

A knock came on my door.

"Come in" I said and the door opened. I turn to see John walk in.

"Greetings boss." He said flat with no emotions.

"Fuck away with the 'boss' shit. My name is Antonio. Now What's up? Any news?" I asked, busy with my wrist button.

"Yes. A message from the boys. The bastards you brought here yesterday are awake."

My spirit jolts to life.

Fucking wow

Such a nice way to start the morning.

"Hell, thank you so much John." I smirked and touch his arm. He nodded and took his leave.

Done getting dressed up, I sent a message to both Jayden and Mattoe.

'Hey bro. Those motherfucking cocksuckers are awake. I'll be waiting for you at the basement. Ps Don't say a word of this to Liam' I pasted to both matoe and Jayden.

Yeah Liam isn't aware of all these shit going on. He wasn't fully in support of this the last time. In as much as Liam is a sweet boy, he goes bipolar when he's highly upset. The last thing I want is for him to get upset. He might rat us out to Clarissa as he's quite close to her.

As I walked through the path leading to the basement, greetings rampage the air as the boys kept bowing at me.

Getting to my destination, I asked the two boys guarding there to take a break for a while. They thanked me and left.

As I walked in I met the bastards looking all bruised up, battered and broken. They were bundled up at different positions.

Yeah I'd instructed my boys to have thier fun with them all they want.

I'll would said they did a good job, but still this isn't the picture I want for them. Not after what they've put my sister through.

I mean thier body parts are still fucking complete.

I put on my most scary and hard look on as I walked towards them. Easily seeing red.

Dialogue. I'm guessing you all must be thinking who exactly I am and what exactly you are doing here right?

I don't need to know. You are a monster. You are all criminals. You better get ready to rot in jail by the time I get out of this place." The braver one from yesterday spoke. He was the most bruised. His left eye was swollen. I'm guessing he actually showed off his hard headed ness to my boys.

"Dennis Shut the hell up and don't get us in more trouble." The seemingly eldest one spats under his breath.

I tsked and was about saying something when the door opened. Both matoe and Jayden stormed into the basement.

"Fucking bastards are still breathing" Jayden commented.

"Like I was going to say. I'm Antonio De costa and you know one tiny secret about me?" I paused staring straight into their eyes. "You don't mess with me. You don't even want to because there's no such thing as forgiveness in my medulla. Those who tried in the past, begged me to kill them. But you know unlike those fuckers, you trampled with something very precious of mine and I'm here to make you'all pay." I said with a smirk, pretty void of any emotion.

I watch as thier faces formed a confuse frown.

"But We didn't do anything to you. We don't even know you. Let's us go because you've got the wrong people here." The youngest one said trying on a brave facade but failed miserably as his voice trembled.

I slapped the fucker hard across the face, leaving finger prints there. He winced in pain.

His brothers went angry but dare not talk.

"I never make mistakes. Get that first. You messed with me the very day you decided to lay your fiethy hands on my baby sister clarrisa." I growled.

"Clarrisa? Your sister?" One asked confused.

"I guess I don't owe you any explaination as to how we know she's our sister. You already know she was adopted but that's out. We can now get down on fucking business." I starts walking around them.

"As they say. He that kill by sword dies by the sword right guys? But I know you didn't kill my sister so dying is out of the question. From the record you did some many things to her that I'm hella confused where to start your pay backs. Who's helping out." I asked sarcastically while smirking.

They all went trembling but the youngest boy was one voicing out. He went crying and begging for mercy.

"Don't don't beg them Jake. Do you know what that bitch did to us? she killed our father." The Dennis guy barked at us, though his fearless broke off as Jayden went wild on him.

"How dare you?" Jayden yelled and beat the smugness out of him. Jayden beat him till the fucker's blood stained his cloth and fist.

"What torture should we give them?" Jayden asked highly enraged as they were all shaking and sweating rivers. The Dennis guy's mask broke off and he was on floor battered.

"How about we take off those fucking fingers they used to touch our sister?" Mattoe suggested and next, both him and Jayden raked the basement for an AXe.

Upon finding one, they went slamming the axes on each of thier fingers. They all screamed and cried out in pains but we ignored. Each time I remember my sister telling me what they did to me, Seeing thier tears, blood and them screaming out pains was drug for me.

After chopping off thier fingers, I decided to Do the electric shock on one of them and it was Dennis. While Mattoe and Jayden hold him down, I poured ice on him. Slit his neck and placed naked wire on it. He vibrated, screamed, cried and begged us to stop. His brothers watched and with no pride, they begged us to stop.

The more they begged, the more I deepen the slit and prolong time.

Having fed up, we gave them all the German chair before leaving the basement.

A German chair is where you make a fucker lie on thier back on a chair and then tie thier wrists to thier leg, beneath the chair. They won't die but will be in severe pains as long as they'll remain there.

Thier wailing followed us even as we got farther away from their cell.

"What if those motherfucker dies huh?" Matoe asked.

"They won't die but we still can't just make life easy for them by bundling them up. Not when clarrisa is still suffering from the scar they left" I said coldly.

"I totally agree. In as much as I don't want them dying so soon, at least I'll prefer it more if they die from pains than give them a normal death." Jayden added angrily. "Let's go check the other motherfucker anyway"

We all went to to maximo's cell and we met the bastard lying on the bed still unconscious but receiving treatment though.

Jayden shot him in the leg before we left.

I didn't question him as I know doctor Chris will tend to it.

Too bad he isn't conscious to feel the pain.

Just as we were all out, I received a call from my secretary in the legal company telling me some clients are around.

I Jayden and Mattoe that we have business to attend to at the company.

Mattoe told Clarrissa asked about me and Jayden yesterday. What hurt me is that Liam told Mattoe clarrisa almost got panic attack that we weren't home.

I hate to think that my princess have to panic over us. And to think We've betrayed her greatly, stinks like a bitch but this must be done.

"You both have to see her this morning at least." Mattoe advised both me and Jayden.

"Yeah I will try."

While we all departed separate ways after cleaning up, I went to my office to quickly check something emails. I intend to go to clarrisa room and then go to the company once done here.

While still busy on the computer, my door opened suddenly and In walked Racheal.

"Who on earth do you throw your manners to Racheal there's a reason for something called 'knocking' sweetie" I tried soundly as sweet as I can.

"This is my brother office. So I believe I can walk in anytime and anyhow I want." She said and came to seat opposite me without my permission. Not like she need my permission though. I mean, she's my sister.

"So how may I help you racheal?"

"I want update about those bastards?!" She demanded. Arching my brow at her, I asked. "Who?"

"Don't fucking act ignorance. You know I'm talking about clarrisa's brothers" she said nonchalantly.

"And why do you want update on them?!" I asked.

"Because I want to torture them with my hands. I want to make them feel twice as much pains as they inflicts on clarrisa. Tell me if they're awake already?!" She spat venomously.

"And why do you think I'll let you do that?" I spoke sternly and taking my attention from the laptop, I faced her. "You know we still haven't talked about you trailing us to clarrissa's brothers house and..."

The sound of ceramic kissing the floor so hard, interrupted me. Both I and Racheal made a sharp pivot to the door.

On clarrissa POV,

I woke up this morning and as if I'd woken from the right side of bed, I was strangely just happy. I can count how many times I've woken up for the past few months this happy. Life with my ex-brothers, made me hate waking up because of the fear of my fate for the day but today I was just happy for no reason. really.

It was just 5am and I bet my siblings were still probably sleeping at the time so I decided to surprise my siblings.

I Prepared six cup of coffees and starts going round my siblings room, first place I went was Antonio, then mattoe, jayden but they weren't in their room. I only found Liam whom I met still  sleeping but the moment I step a foot in, he jolts awake.

"Um Good morning liam. I'm sorry for waking you up" I bubbled as he was robbing his eyes.

"No it's nothing..." he yawned. "What do you want sweetie?!" In that instant, he frowned confused as he noticed the tray of coffees in my hand.

"I brought you coffee..." I said smiling.

"Urgh! You don't have to go through that stress baby." He groaned and dragged himself out of the bed. His nightie drop down to his kneel level.

"Well, I wanted to do it alright. It's just my piece of token to appreciate my family for being here for me. I'm just trying to do my best to fit in the family and stop bothering you guys." I rambled on like a baby. Liam radiated with an adorable smile and then proceed to take one of the cup.

"Wow... this is really nice." Liam complimented after taking a sip. "Thank you so much sweetie." He said and I smiled.

"But even if I'll have to remind you everyday that you don't have to thank us for anything then I'll. You're our baby  sister clarrisa, you deserve to be pampered and be treated like the princess that you are. You don't have to do anything in return." Liam said and caressed my cheek like a baby.

"Aye Aye. I've heard you." To my own surprise, I joked and Liam chuckled.

"Um do you know where the rest of our brothers is?" I asked on a serious note

"There aren't in thier room?" He asked after taking another sip from the coffee, I shook my head no.

He licked his lower lips, staring into space in daze. I know he was thinking same thing as me. What is our brothers up to?

Anyways I decided to head to Antonio's office, maybe they all might be there having an elder brothers meeting who knows. Liam tried helping me to go serve them their coffees and In as much, as it's gonna be awkward I've to do this. I've to starts warming up to my brothers no matter what.

From the moment I arrived at Antonio office door, I heard voices from inside. Before I could knock, I recognized Racheal's voice saying

"I want update about those bastards?!"

"Who?" That was Antonio.

"Don't fucking act ignorance. You know I'm talking about clarrisa's brothers" my heart skipped three bits at the mention of that. What does she mean?

"And why do you want update on them?!"

"Because I want to torture them with my hands. I want to make them feel twice as much pains as they inflicts on clarrisa. Tell me if they're awake already?!"

"And why do you think I'll let you do that?" I spoke sternly and taking my attention from the laptop, I have it to her. "You know we still haven't talked about you trailing us to clarrissa's brothers house and..."

In that moment, three things broke, my Trust, the tray of coffee which I didn't know how it had slipped and lastly the whole dam in my system broke, tears starts rolling down my cheeks.

Now everything makes sense somehow. This is what they've been up to?! They lied to me. They made me believe they aren't going to look for my brothers, Antonio especially but now this...?!

Now how am I going to trust all those things they've been telling me that they aren't going to ever hurt me when they just broke my promise I'm just short notice.

While I was still sucking, the door opened and Antonio walked out alongside Racheal.

"Clarrisa..." Antonio rushes towards me but I stepped back.

"Don't dare come close towards me." I cooed. Antonio face went pale for a moment but I don't care.

"Tell me you didn't go finding my brothers and worst still have them in your custody." As impossible as this sounded, a part of me was hoping he he tell me I've heard things. Right his silence and reacheal's proved otherwise.

Sudden anger, sudden rage build up in me for my brothers or siblings rather, since Racheal knows about this too.

You may think I'm taking this too far but they have no right, they've no right to go behind my back and take such drastic decisions.

I know I don't have a say for them but this is something that concerns me, they have no business in it right? They fucking don't.

Tears continue blurring my vision and I let them floor. Antonio was trying to touch me but I flinched back.

"Clarrisa please listen to..."

"You've nothing else to say."

"Clarrisa will you just shut up and stop this horror drama of yours!!" Racheal said angrily.

What? She's angry?! Between the both of us who's suppose to be angry huh?!

Antonio was still trying to to get to me and touch me but this time around, I slipped off his grip and I ran.

Let's say I don't just want to face him, I can't face him. I'm dead angry and might do something that'll warrant him to punish me.

Completely  ignoring his yelling for me to come back, I kept running. I ran past Jayden who was just coming back obviously from somewhere. He tried to stop me and ask what's wrong but I didn't respond to him.

He'll only have more reasons to reducible me from being a weakling all over again.

As I got into my room, I made sure I locked the door before slumping on the bed. Snuggling and curling myself up.

Tears was streaming down my cheek like waters. I don't even know why I'm crying.

The fact that my ex-brothers could be around somewhere, waiting for a way to escape and get back at me or the fact that my brothers manages to break the little trust I'd for them or the fact that once again, all the traumas I'd tried to push aside came resurfacing in my  memory all over again.

Or worst still... my mother! Did my brothers threatened her? I'm sure they did.

Is she okay right?!

God I hope she's okay?

My head was bugging with different thoughts and I was so drained of crying that I didn't know when sleep overtook me.

I was hearing loud voices in my head but I couldn't make sense of it. My head was suddenly banging so hard like they were using axe to rip it off.

Ouch I winced and opened my eyes.

"Are you alright clarrisa?" I heard a voice asked while I was palming  my forehead in pain. I look up to meet Racheal leaning down at me, concern glistening in her eyes. I frowned in surprise because it felt like I'd just woken up from a trance.

I couldn't remember anything.

When I didn't say anything, Racheal just went to the dresser. There was a milk shake and tablets there.

"Antonio said I should give you once you wake up cause you might be having a killer headache after all the crying drama!" She said and scoffed. Crying drama? Anyways still confused, I took the tablets and gulp it down with the class of water she gave me.

Then she offered me the milk shake.

"What happened Racheal?" I'd barely finished that before I hear the voices I've earlier heard before.

"You've to fucking stop this  Liam! If you're being this way then how the fuck do you expect clarrisa to be reacting? This was why we didn't told you the first time cause we know you'll be a dick" that was matoe's voice.

"And who's the bigger dick now?! The one who's trying to knock some senses into you that what you all did was wrong or the who broke our sisters little trust in us and couldn't make sure to hide it from her. You know clarrisa have every reason be angry at you right now because you fucked up big time. You fucked up!!" That was Liam.

"I don't care all you have to say Liam. You see those mother fuckers they deserves what we did to them and even worst, then guess what? I don't regret it." That's matoe.

"Enough with you two. Can you two  both shut the hell up and think of a possible way to warm up to our sister?!" Jayden barked!

Then everything came re surfacing. How I'd eavesdrop on Antonio! Finding out they've got my brothers hostage. Then Run away from him and worst still, yelled at him.

I yelled at Antonio!

God! Should I be scared now or be angered. I mean they offended me right?!

The milkshake in my hand fell as I was trembling in fear. Racheal was asking me what's wrong but I wasn't replying.

The next thing on my mind was an escape. Anything or anyhow  to leave here. God help me.

As if God answered me, my eyes darted to the window. It was opened. I could just jump down and run. Yes, deciding on that, I let my feet dragged me to the window.

"What the fuck are you trying to do clarrisa?!" Racheal yelled at me. Her voice both consisting of  panic and anger.

She tried stopping me as I was crossing my leg across the window but I kept pushing her away, till we were now struggling.

"Let me go Racheal. I'm leaving."

"Antonio! Clarrisa is trying to commit sucide!" Racheal yelled at top of her voice and in that instant, heavy and prodding footstep struck my ears.

They coming! God my brothers are coming.

I couldn't escape anymore because In next seconds my all four brothers were in the room, after almost knocking the door down.

My heart churned at their presence.

"Clarrisa!" Liam quickly rushed towards me and dragged me away from the window.  He led me to seat on the bed.

He starts asking why I was trying to kill my self but I was shaking, I couldn't say a thing.

"Clarrisa why the fuck were you trying to kill yourself? Because we found out those bastard brothers of yours?!" Jayden suddenly yelled.

God controlling anger and fear is hardest feeling of all time.

"Well isn't it enough reason to? You expect me to stay normal and act like nothing happened when the very people I'm trying so hard to trust decided to break it on just one single task?!" To my very own surprise, I matched jayden's act and irritated feet and worst still, I didn't feel bad about it.

There was a brief silence as everyone shared glances.

"Clarrisa we didn't break your trust." I heart Mattoe say softly in my ear as he was now squatting beside me. "We only did what was right. Those fuckers hurt you and they deserved to pay. They abused you clarrisa, they put you through so much hell, if for anything they deserve the worst kind of torture. They deserve to be broken to shreds." Venom dropped in his last statement.

"As you said they hurt me and not you guys. Shouldn't I be the one to decide whether  I want to serve them a pay back? Did you for once thought of possible consequences before you decided to take actions, the possibility of them escaping somehow and comes back to hurt  me? Well why don't you admit it that you only did what you did for your selfish reasons, you're mafias. You loves killing and torturing people that's why when the slightest chance  came you all didn't think twice.You think you did that for me? Well you just gave me more reason to leave? How am I sure that you all won't gang up against me some day if ever I offends you, that you guys aren't going to torture me too.?" My voice was almost getting me deaf but I didn't care.

My head was down so I couldn't see thier reaction

But Antonio came forward and leaned down before me.

"Clarrisa we'll never do that. We will never lay a finger on you because you're sister." He voice was so meek and close to being cracked. 

He tries to touch my chin but I shook my head.

"Yes. That was how my ex brothers were to me before. They promised me protection, the promised me everything but then what happened? Just one wrong move change everything. They inculcate so fear in me and that fear makes me do everything within my power to pleas you guys, I tries to hide how scared I'm really are of you guys because I want to fit in, because I don't want to experience the same thing over again. But just one Favour I asked from you. It wasn't even up to a week and you couldn't keep it. How am I sure that you haven't been pretending to be kind to me just to pet me to stay with you. How am I sure that you are not really ever going to hurt me Huh. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU?"  I yelled at top of my voice tears streaming down my eyes.

"Language clarrisa," Jayden cautioned.

"Oh I cannot swear?! Is it?! So everyone of you can swear but I can't?" I yelled and scoffed.

"That's not what I..."

I didn't know Liam had been angry until he cut Jayden and yelled "Shit the fuck up jayden"

Jayden didn't say any more word, his face went pale as if he was being remorseful or something.

No one said anything anymore for a while, Antonio attempted to pull me into a hug but I backed away.

"I want to leave..." tense silence follow as I say that. Antonio frowned so deeply and glanced back at his brothers.

Liam frowned sadly.

Jayden face darkened with anger, matoe's face was pale and stoned just like Antonio. 

Racheal just frowned a little and then scoffed.

"You can't leave Baby? We can't let you do that. Where would you even go?" Antonio asked softly.

"The last question wasn't relevant because we aren't letting her go anyway" Jayden rasped.

"Wow so you are planning to keep me a prisoner in this house huh?... well...Fine!" I smiled cockily. They watched me with daze  as I laid down on the bed snuggling myself into the blanket.

"What are you doing clarrisa?" Liam asked.  

"I guess we've nothing else to talk about right?! I want to be alone now." Where I was getting this courage from I don't know but I just feel like exhausting it now even though I know I might face the consequences later.

"Clarrissa will you just cut  out this whole shit?" Racheal lashed out but Antonio cautioned her to keep shut. He instructed matoe to handle the window. Guess thinking I'll have to run or kill myself. Tsk!

They however all left and I was all alone in the room. I sensed them locked the door from the outside.

Probably so I can't run away.

Whatever. I'm still going to get out of here.  that's for sure