Suspicion: Roman Part II

A couple of days after Marcus and Ed had told me about their plan to return to The Auction House with me to bid for another woman, the night had arrived. Getting us on the list for entry that night had been easy. All day at work I was distracted by thoughts of the night that I bid for Hannah out of pure panic. The guilt for what I had done was warring with the happiness that I felt at having Hannah as my wife. Being asked to bid for Kristin had caught me purely by surprise as I was distracted by intense thoughts of not wanting to be anywhere near The Auction House, much less inside of it again. This time would be different. I would take Marcus and Ed into The Auction House with the confidence of knowing exactly what I was doing and the fortitude to go through with it. The FBI had paid me back for my $900,000 bid for Kristin, and they were prepared to send me whatever amount was necessary to bid for another woman tonight.