Suspicion: Hannah Part II

When Roman got home, I hurried to give him a hug, but I stopped short when I saw who Marcus and Ed were dragging into the house behind Roman. My father wore his usual scowl, and he was being guided by Marcus and Ed, one on each side of him. When my father's gaze met mine, his expression grew even more dark and disgusted. His clothes were mussed which meant that Marcus and Ed had not been gentle with him.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I asked Roman, not taking my eyes off my father. "I don't want him here."

"I know," Roman said gently to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. Marcus, Ed, and my father were waiting by the door. Miraculously, my father wasn't protesting or insulting anyone. I'm sure he gave Marcus, Ed, and Roman an earful on their way here. "We want to question him and it's better to do it here." I pulled my attention away from my father and gazed into Roman's blue eyes.

"Is he under arrest?" I asked Roman.