Suspicion: Roman Part III

I held Hannah as we sat together on the floor of the corridor outside of the study where Marcus and Ed were questioning Court Macalester. My mind raced as I tried to comfort my wife. If what Court said was true, we were moving from offensive to defensive in our plan to take The Auction House down. Fitzgerald was certainly going to move the women and likely go into hiding. I had no idea what Marcus and Ed planned to do now.

"Let's get you upstairs," I told Hannah. "Maybe a soak in the tub will help." Hannah didn't protest as I helped her to her feet. She didn't say a word as we took the elevator up to the second floor and walked into our bedroom. I turned her to face me and saw the worry in her green eyes. "Will you be OK in here while I go down to talk to Marcus and Ed?" I asked Hannah.

"I think so," she said quietly. "I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose you, Roman."