Warrant: Hannah

I was thankful that Roman had decided to work the next day from home as well. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done with myself if he hadn't. Probably crawl up the walls at some point. My father being in the house was too much for me to properly deal with. Even if I wasn't in the same room as him, just knowing he was around did something to me. My mind was constantly torn between the memories of the day he put me in the Auction House and the want to tell him off. Nothing about it would be productive. It was best for me to keep to myself and keep away from him.

Ed and Marcus had left him there with one of their other agents that was helping with the case from another angle. I don't think I even caught his name. Maybe I should have felt bad about that, but I just wanted to distract myself from the thoughts of the case and my father. Just for a while, until Marcus and Ed returned. Was that too much to ask for?