Raid Aftermath: Roman

"I'll be by later to explain everything," he said.

"Thanks," I replied before hanging up the phone.

When Marcus called with news that the raid had gone successfully, I felt the excitement I should have been feeling, followed by a little tinge of upset. While it had been fantastic that they found what they needed during the raid, I knew I needed to go let Hannah know. And I really, really didn't want to. I wanted her to spend the whole day with the other women, smiling, laughing, and relaxing. However, I worried sitting on the information would upset her later. I also hoped that it would help propel her further into her healing by giving more validation to Court's arrest.

Still, I waited for a while. I wanted her to get through the massage and enjoy just a little more time with the others. By the time the afternoon was coming and going, I headed downstairs from my study.