Mental Vacation: Hannah

Marcus briefed us on the last few details before departing for the night. Now, it was just me and Roman in the quiet house.

I was ecstatic, and maybe it was a naive way to be. Yet, it had felt like it had been so long since we had experienced a win, that it only felt right to rejoice in it. The FBI had a warrant out for Jared's arrest! I couldn't help but think how much good that would be for the world, for the ring leader of a major human trafficking circuit to finally be put behind bars. We would all eventually be able to move on from this. Roman and I could go on to live a quiet life, Ed and Marcus would be reassigned to new cases, and maybe Kristin would go on to start her own advocacy group.

"This calls for celebration," Roman announced as he took my hand and guided me to the kitchen.

I watched as he reached into a cabinet and produced a bottle of red wine. "Oh really?" I chuckled, raising a brow at him.