Wrong Number Aftermath: Hannah

Leslie immediately locked his arms around both Lori and me and hustled back to the car. My mind didn't really process any of it. I was floating somewhere above the entire situation, not feeling attached or connected to it in any way. It felt so weird and unreal. Was I in shock? Was this what shock felt like? I didn't know, and there was no way for me to vocalize what it was that I was feeling to ask for help. I let Leslie shove Lori and me inside the car and peel out of the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" Lori asked me frantically.

She grabbed my face and analyzed me, as if she would be able to see and diagnose any trauma that may have been filling my head at that moment. When I didn't reply, she took to inspecting every square inch of my exposed skin.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Lori," I muttered.