Wrong Number Aftermath: Roman

I was out of the office building and soaring down the roads of the city like a bat out of hell. My heart was thumping in my ears and my breathing continuously hitched. Someone had tried to kill Hannah. While I had been able to handle the potential hit out on my life with grace, the thought of someone wanting to cause Hannah harm was too much for my heart to handle.

I had been at the office, sorting through the drama of the stock crisis and, without knowing, I had been a fraction of a second away from losing my wife.

My hands gripped the wheel until my knuckles turned white. Whoever tried to do that wasn't going to get away with it. Even if I had to track them down myself, they would see the light of justice. My thoughts turned dark as I thought about the savory fantasy of finding them myself and dealing them justice on the streets.

I shook my head. No, I couldn't think like that. We were going to do everything the right way so we could make a difference.