Honeypot II: Roman

I couldn't believe I was in this situation, but I could only hope that it would work out for the best. Any little nugget of information I could get out of Jessica about her brother, Bernard, could be vital to the investigation.

I wasn't a dumb man. I had long known about her infatuation with me.

Under any other circumstance, it would have probably made me a jerk to take advantage of that, but I didn't care. Given that it was human trafficking charges she was trying to get me to help get Bernard out of, I was pretty sure anyone, even the most saintly person alive, would understand my train of thought.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" I asked her. I stretched out a hand and tipped her chin with a fingertip. Even the slight touch felt disgusting to me, and I thought about how hurt Hannah would be at the sight. I should stop, but I had already set things in motion. It was best to try and get all that I was after.