Playboy: Hannah

A hurricane of emotions that came over me at the sight of my husband, Roman Thaddeus, kissing another woman.

Jessica Sullivan—the girl that had been occasionally sighted with him by tabloids, which had speculated on a potential relationship, before Roman and I properly met. Before he bought me at auction.

It was likely an image that would stay burned into my mind for the rest of my life, that would always cause me to cringe in pain when it flashed across my mind. I just knew it would be the case, no matter how much I didn't want it to be so.

She was gorgeous, looking like a real-life version of a photoshopped model, somehow—and she was wrapped around my husband like ivy clinging to a house.

Anger, dismay, horror, jealousy, and emotions I wasn't even sure I had words for all twisted together in one massive reaction to the sight of them. They left me just standing there, frozen like a deer in headlights.