Playboy II: Hannah

We stayed like that for a while. I wanted to hold him until all of the pain left both of us.

I knew he was hurting from the slight betrayal, even though it wasn't his fault; and I was just forever spinning and spinning downward into a mindset that I wasn't familiar with. It resided somewhere in jealousy, but it was different. It was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Whatever it was, I needed to leave.

Eventually, we left the office and headed back downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. I couldn't even think about eating at a time like that, but I knew that I needed to at least try and pretend things were okay. Some little part of me thought that, if I pretended I was okay, that eventually, whether it was later in that day or the next, that it would make it a reality. The other part of me, the majority, knew that I was majorly upset and wouldn't feel okay until something radical was done about it.