Remedy: Hannah

My stomach wouldn't stop churning and my mind wouldn't stop racing. I started to realize that it wasn't a good idea for me to be alone. Being alone would only mean that I would sit there with my thoughts and agonize over things again and again, digging myself into a deeper hole and worsening my mood that much more. But I also knew I wasn't ready to be around Roman. Even though I had already rationalized it all, I couldn't deny that I was a little angry with him and hurt by what I walked in on.

Lori wasn't a good choice, either. There was a sisterly loyalty that would be brought into the equation, and I knew that wasn't the smart bet. She would get worked up about the kiss as well and would stoke the fire in me rather than help me put it out. No, I needed someone who would be able to be objective.

By the time evening was rolling around, I realized that the best option was Kristen.