First Steps: Hannah

It was a surreal sort of feeling to watch the agents leave with Roman, knowing that the people responsible for the constant state of fear in were gone. Honestly, I didn't know how we were going to get back to a normal life after all we had been through. We had never had a normal life together…

As I looked up to Roman, I remembered the conversation we had about staying in our marriage and my heart squeezed joyfully. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever foreseen my life turning out like that. Wild, crazy, scary, and all at the same time… beautiful. When I looked into Roman's eyes, I saw beauty, love, patience, and understanding. What more could you want in a partner?

My hand stayed on his arm as sat there, feeling a sort of protectiveness over him, even after the agents announcement. "You know, the madness isn't quite over," he stated.