Starting a New Normal: Roman

As much as I loved being home with Hannah, after another week of healing, I knew it was time to start our new normal. I had to return to work. Of course, that meant there had been enough time that past that every tabloid, newspaper, and broadcasting station was reporting on the FBI operation which brought down some of the biggest players in human trafficking in the States. And what news reporter didn't love the twist of romance that Hannah and I brought to the story?

We had dipped our toes into the water of going out in public over the weekend, and it had been seldom that camera shutters weren't sounding somewhere nearby. But hey, I would much rather be shot that way than in the kind that resulted in blood. I think I would live a happy life if I never again had to experience what it was like to be shot.

But, it was back to normal. Or rather, starting a normal.