Back to Basics: Hannah

After we laid there for a while, we decided to shower.

I stayed in a little longer than Roman, to condition my hair and shave my legs. I took my time, using the shower to collect my thoughts and process them appropriately.

It was going to take longer than one shower to get through it, to make my mind up.

To be okay.

I knew that, and I knew I needed to call Tara and maybe make another appointment rather soon. We had agreed on weekly meetings at the same time, but I thought that maybe, until things settled down, seeing her a couple times a week might be beneficial.

That way I didn't lose my mind while lying low again. And so that I had an outlet and didn't grow frustrated with anyone around me and take it out on them.

I was doing my best to do things in a healthy and rational way. We didn't have all the resources before that we had then, and I planned on using them.