
I took a deep breath and tried to get used to my surroundings. Everything still feels so surreal. I can't believe that I actually up and left Mystic Falls. I knew that I needed to get out. If I didn't get out when I did, then I never would have and live there would end up killing me. I gave and I gave until I had nothing left to give and it still wasn't enough. I tried to bring Jeremy back, but Damon found me in time before I could finish the spell. If he hadn't found me, I would be dead. Giving Jeremy back his life would have taken mine. I didn't realize how much I wanted to live, until after I was moments away from having my life ripped out of me.

Elena was furious. She blamed me and at the time, I didn't resent her for it. I blamed myself for not being selfless enough or strong enough to give my life for his. It was the natural order of things for us. We were expected to kill ourselves, so Elena could live comfortably. Her life was more precious than ours. I'm not sure when that became the standard, but I knew that I needed it to stop. I had already lost so much. I sacrificed so much; wasn't that enough? I didn't need the cure for vampirism. It wasn't for me. I was just another tool for them to use. I had to leave because it was toxic to my health. I had already been spiraling. I barely pulled myself out of my Expression addiction, just to lose the only man I had ever loved. Elena had lost her brother, but she wasn't the only one who was grieving. She didn't understand that. I didn't need her to. I just needed to leave.

Grams had a family friend who lived in Beacon Hills, Deaton. I knew that Tyler's mom grew up there and had some family there, so I would have at least someone I was vaguely familiar with around. Carol left shortly after Tyler did. I think that living alone was too much for her. She moved in with her sister and niece. She offered to let me stay with her, which surprised me. What surprised me more, was that I took her up on her offer. I knew that I wouldn't live with her forever, but it would be a nice change from living alone. My dad has never been a consistent part of my life and now was no exception.

I was lonely and I needed to escape, if only for my peace of mind, so I did. Now, I have no idea what to expect. Carol hinted that Beacon Hills was actually a Beacon for the supernatural. That didn't surprise me. What surprised me is that I went anyway. Could it really be any worse, than back home? I seriously doubted that.

"So, you're my aunt's charity case, huh?" Lydia, her niece, asked me critically. I looked up at her and nodded, quietly.

"I guess so, yeah. I used to be friends with her son." I offered her a short explanation. She nodded.

"Are you in some kind of trouble? I want to know if I'm inviting trouble into my home. My mother is still a bit naïve. My mom understands that things in Beacon Hills aren't exactly the garden variety, but doesn't know the extent of everything." Lydia pressed.

"There shouldn't be any trouble coming this way, because of me. I don't want to get into the specifics. With all due respect, I don't know you. You don't know me. I don't expect you to break down and share your life story because I wouldn't extend you the same courtesy. I needed to get out of Mystic Falls because if I had stayed, it would have killed me. I'm grieving a loss and I couldn't do it there and work through everything, so I left." I gave her a short, oversimplified version of my reason for leaving. She gave me a pensive nod, accepting my answer.

"I want to protect myself and my family. If you're not a threat to us, then I see no reason why we can't become friends. Maybe we can get to know each other. I understand what it's like to lose someone. I won't push or pry. If you need someone to show you around, just say the word. When you're ready to meet Deaton, I can help with that, too." She offered. I nodded.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you. That sounds really nice, actually. I appreciate that a lot. I'm going to go for a walk – try to clear my head." I told her. She nodded and I left the house. I pocketed my new house-key and I took off. It's so different than what I'm used to. The air smells different. Nature here feels different. The energy is almost addictive. I've been in touch with Deaton a bit and he explained that there is something called the Nemeton here. It attracts supernatural beings and that's what I must be drawn to.

I was in the forest just walking, not really towards a destination, but I knew that I was going towards something. I trusted that I would know what I was walking toward, when I got there. My magic is strong enough to help me ward off most things. I have a cloaking amulet that protects me from vampires and doppelgangers, at the very least. My cousin, Lucy, made it for me. I would have gone to here, but I didn't want to be found. Carol gave me her word that she wouldn't tell anyone that I came here. And really, they wouldn't have any reason to look here.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't be out here alone?" A deep voice asked me. I didn't jump or really even acknowledge them, physically. My eyes searched to find the body the voice belonged to. My eyes landed on an older, attractive male. He was smirking at me and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"And I should thank you for being so concerned or should I point out that I'm obviously not alone if you're out here?" I asked, icily. He chuckled and took the chance to look me over. I fixed my stony glare at him. His smirk slipped, just slightly.

"Neither. I was just pointing out the obvious. It isn't every day that a witch as powerful as you are breezes into Beacon Hills. You would be better suited with allies. Like this, you're just a target waiting to get eaten up. Who can resist so much power?" He purred. My mouth contorted into a grimace, at his words. He was right, but I didn't need to let him know that.

"And who better than you to protect me?" I shot back, haughtily. He shrugged.

"It's an option." He mused.

"Thanks, but I'll pass." I declined, as I kept walking. I felt my magic surge through my fingertips.

"My name is Peter, Peter Hale, in case you change your mind." He called after me. I didn't respond. I wrapped myself in a force field, so he couldn't attack me, even if he tried. I wasn't walking long, until I stumbled across something that oozed ancient power. I didn't stop walking, until my palm was on the massive tree stump and I could sit comfortably on top of it. I felt drunk with sensation. I could feel so many things at once. Everything was connected and this was its source. My magic was buzzing around me and all of my worries faded away. I felt power, old power that couldn't all be mind. This must be the Nemeton and it was using me as a conduit.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but this power was unlike anything else I've ever felt. It felt pure. It didn't feel polluted. I could feel other things tugging at the power, trying to obtain it, but failing to really capture it. I could understand why. It feels exhilarating. I feel better than I have in weeks. The weight of my grief is still heavy on my heart, but everything else feels so much lighter and my worries feel so much smaller now. I know that it's temporary, and at best the Nemeton will just help me recharge my powers, but I wasn't in any hurry to end my connection. It made me feel open in a lot of ways that I wasn't used to. It took the lid that I had slammed closed on my pain and burst it open. I felt like I was drowning and floating, all at once. My emotions bubbled up and I couldn't stop them. I was still relatively shielded, but I'm so exposed out here.

The rage and overwhelming anguish that I had been suppressing bubbled to the surface and I screamed to release it. I had to let it go, no matter how crushing it felt. My magic went with it. I felt it wash over me, just like everything else and pour onto the forest floor. Everything that I had been feeling came crashing out, leaving me feeling sated and numb. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I lay back against the Nemeton and took in the beauty of my surroundings and allowed my problems to take the back burner for a while. I didn't have to dwell on it all the time. At the moment, things feel tolerable and I no longer feel like I'm going to self-destruct.

Void Stiles' POV

I felt the power, before I knew the source. I was itching to find something worthy of keeping my attention. Scott's pack has started to catch on that something isn't quite right with Stiles, but isn't willing to admit it. I've started looking for something else to occupy my time. I'm not ready to reveal what I am yet. Baiting the pack can only last so long… I'm taking my time crushing their hope of ever saving their friend. Eventually they'll realize that I'm here to stay.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't be out here alone?" I heard Peter ask the newcomer. Oh, this is just getting interesting. I can see her clearly now. She's a vision. Everything about her presence exudes power. She looked haunted, but determined, and damn what a fire she had in her spirit. It's a fire that I wanted to be a part of, a fire I wanted to possess.

I listened to their exchange silently. She didn't let me down. I was smirking ear to ear, by the time she left Peter gawking. He should know better than to try to take what should be mine. He'll learn someday and that day will be soon.

I walked with her, keeping myself far enough away to be undetected, but close enough to take all of her in. When she reached the Nemeton she touched it and her body surged with power. She's able to harness the power in a way that I've never been able to. She sat down and I watched it pour through her. Her resolve was breaking and I could see tears stream down her face. Curious. She was in pain, but she didn't look like she was breaking. No, she wasn't giving up. She was letting it out. She screamed and I felt her turmoil. It was delicious. She has enough pain to feed me for days. I have to know her. I must have her. Never in my existence have I ever had someone intrigue me the way that she does. She hasn't met me yet, but she will. I won't let Scott and his pack keep her from me. I'll have to reign it in for a while longer. Even with all of the darkness surrounding her, she has a pureness that I've never felt in anyone else before. I want to experience it, before I corrupt her.