
Bonnie's POV

I don't know long I stayed at the Nemeton, but I finally dragged myself away, when it started to get dark. I figured that I should try to get back to Carol's, before I was left in the woods with only moonlight as my guide. It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I was felt so in tune with the nature surrounding me, that I used my magic to guide me back. Magically, I haven't felt this good in a long time. I'm not sure that I've ever felt as at peace, as I do now. My Grams helped me learn how to channel nature, but the energy in Mystic Falls was nothing like this.

"Feel better?" Lydia asked, as I came through the front door. I nodded, surprised that I actually did. Everything about this town has caught me off guard. I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Much, actually." I admitted. She have me a ghost of a smile. She's hard to read, but based off of what Carol told me, she's not completely human. I've never felt an aura quite like hers. She has a magic signature of her own, but it's unlike mine.

"Perfect. We were just about to sit for dinner, if you'd like to join us. I meant what I said earlier, I would like to know more about you. From what I've heard from Deaton… you'd make a great ally, if not a friend. I think we could help each other, if you're open to it." She proposed. I nodded.

"That sounds agreeable." I told her, before I could overthink it. She gave me a knowing smirk and gestured for me to follow her. True to her words, her family was seated at the table, but there were more guests. I stopped mid-step and shot her a questioning glance.

"I wanted to wait to do the introductions until tomorrow, but their curiosity got the better of them. That and they're impatient. This is my best friend, Allison, her boyfriend Scott and his best friend Stiles." She introduced everyone. Scott gave me a small wave with a crooked smile. He seems genuinely kind, but there is a lot of power radiating off of him. I sniffed and let my magic feel for me and I realized that he was a werewolf, like Tyler. But it's more than that. He must be an alpha. Allison was all human, but strong. She seemed very protective, but genuine. She beamed at me, nervously. Stiles was something else entirely. He was attractive and oozed intelligence and mischief, maybe something darker. He gave me an easy smile and it helped put me at ease. I gave him a confused look, before I could hide my confusion. His face was calm, but his eyes kept pulling me in. I looked away and focused on what Lydia was saying. I had unintentionally tuned her out.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Bonnie." I spoke up, lamely. Allison looked at me, like something clicked.

"Bonnie Bennett?" She asked me. I nodded. "Our families have worked together before. Your grandmother, Sheila, has helped out the Argents a time or two when we've been in dire need of her talents." She explained. I just nodded, again. I don't know what to say to that or what I can say to that. From what Lydia had told me, it sounds like her mom is very much in the dark about the supernatural.

"She was great like that. Ya know? She was always trying to help people… That's probably where I get it from. Thank goddess I've learned my lesson with that." I flashed a small, forced smile and bottled up my emotions. I can feel them starting to surface. Everything feels a little raw since I let it all out in the woods. I felt eyes on me and glanced up to see Stiles studying me. His gaze is unnerving. I dropped my eyes to the ground and pretended like it didn't affect me as it did.

"Please sit down. I'm sure you're famished. It's been such a long day for you." Carol spoke up, gesturing to an empty seat at the table. I nodded and wished that I had just kept my mouth shut and not made everything horribly awkward. I sat next to Lydia and her mom.

I picked at my food and mostly just listened to the conversation. I didn't want to say too much. I was having a hard time staying out of my own head. I was already internalizing everything.

Carol and Natalie excused themselves and I started clearing the table. Since they're letting me stay here, helping clean is the least I can do. I carried the dishes to the kitchen sink. I felt a hand on the small of my back and I jumped. I turned to see that it was Stiles. He was too close to comfort, but I couldn't deny that he smelled good. It's been so long, since anyone has touched me. I closed myself off, after Jeremy died. I didn't want to be talked to, let alone hugged.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was right behind you with dishes. I didn't want you to turn around and run into an armful of glassware." He apologized, rambling a little. I nodded, taking the opportunity to study his face. He's definitely good-looking.

"It's fine. I don't like to be touched, unexpectedly." I breathed. I nodded and looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how. I turned back the dishes and started rinsing them off. I silently hoped that he would take the hint and leave, but he didn't.

"Do you want to go get coffee or something with me tomorrow?" He asked me. I bit my lip. His offer sounds harmless. I'm probably being paranoid. I just can't figure out why he puts me so on edge. Maybe it's because his eyes make me feel exposed. I feel like he can look right through me. Magically, he doesn't feel like anyone else I've ever encountered before.

"Why?" I asked, finally, after I mulled it over. I turned to face him and he seemed surprised by my question.

"Why not? You don't know too many people here. What could it hurt? I mean, that, and you're ridiculously beautiful. You're different from everyone else here, but you don't seem out of place. You know? I know it probably doesn't make any sense. Point is, I'd like to know you better. It definitely helps that I can do enough talking for the both of us. So awkward silences aren't even in the realm of possibility." He explained, quickly. I laughed. His explanation caught me really off guard. He's quirky, sure, but there's something else under the surface. Some of it seemed a little forced, somehow. Maybe he's just nervous? I know I am.

"Yeah, okay," I replied. His lips curved into a grin and he beamed at me. He handed me his phone and I gave him my information.

"It'll be fun. I promise." His eyes twinkled, with his words. That, I believe. At the very least, he's nice to look at and he sparks my curiosity.

"I hope so." I chuckled.

"It's a date." He said, decidedly. "Unless you have a significant other somewhere, then it's definitely not that." He added, worriedly. I shook my head.

"No, I don't have one of those," I told him, as I tried to swallow the growing lump in my throat.

"There's no way that someone somewhere isn't pining over you." He teased. I stood up a little straighter and a pang of sadness ripped through me. I wished that I had stayed in the woods just a little longer. Being away from people helps, sometimes. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling this way. The heartbreak that I live with is almost intolerable. Between my Grams and Jeremy dying and my mom bailing, my heart can't take much more. If my dad passed, I wouldn't have a reason to live anymore. It wouldn't be worth it. Waking up every day is so hard, but I do it. I want to live. I want to overcome this and continue with my life. I know that one day, it'll mean something. I'm still here and there has to be a reason for it. I refuse to believe otherwise.

"You're here." I quipped, instead of letting how know how much I was hurting.

"You're honestly single?" He pressed. I took a deep breath.

"My boyfriend was killed, okay? I don't want to talk about it. Unless you're worried about ghosts showing up tomorrow, I'd say you're safe. Look, I'm beat. Text me tomorrow. Goodnight." I bolted, before he could say anything. I'm sure that he's the type to trip over himself apologizing and to be honest, I just don't want to hear it right now.

I heard my phone chiming. I knew that I would have to actually read the messages at some point, but for now, I was content with pouring my mind into a good book on my Kindle. I just didn't want to think about what was going on, even though I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I gave up and decided to take solace in a bath. I lit a few candles and played a slower playlist off my Spotify. The songs tore me up and I knew that it was probably needed, but it hurt all the same. I needed to feel the pain, so I could work past it and get through it. I know that, but it doesn't make it easy.

I sobbed in my bath, where no one could see me and I prayed that one day, everything would hurt less. I'm tired of feeling overwhelmed all of the time, every moment of every day. It's exhausting. I keep replaying that day over and over again in my mind. I keep remembering our moments together. The problems we had seem so trivial. I doubt we would have lasted forever, but I love him and I miss having him in my life. Jeremy was my first love and I hate that he was taken from us so soon.

I feel like I'm being punished, but I don't know what for. I keep drowning in my anguish and I don't know how to keep my head above the water. I know that it can't hurt forever, but damn does it hurt today. I cry, because it's one of the only things I can do. It offers me some release. I screamed into the world earlier, and it helped for a little while. I know better than to lash out with my magic. I don't want someone else to get hurt, because of me. I wouldn't be able to take it, if they did.

"Bonnie," I heard Lydia call out to me quietly.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I said, raising my voice just enough for her to hear me.

"Stiles told me what happened… I'm so sorry. If you need anything, we're here. I understand if you need space. You have my number, too. You can text me, if you need to." She replied, before everything went quiet, again. I grabbed my phone and turned on some music. I didn't want to be overheard. Until she reminded me, I had forgotten that Carol had given me her number, as well as Natalie's, just in case of emergency.

It's times like these that I miss Caroline and Matt. Both of them were so wrapped up in trying to help Elena, that I didn't feel right asking them for help. I know how hard it is being overextended. Emotionally, mentally, I didn't think they could really help me. Not with the wear of everything Elena was putting on them, too. That was okay. I'm used to working through things alone. I'll get there. It's just gonna suck first.

My phone chimed and I took a deep breath, before checking it. I had a bunch of messages from different people.

'I'm so sorry. I was trying to go for funny and obviously failed.


'I totally understand if you don't feel up for coffee tomorrow. Really.


'I seriously feel like an ass. Lydia ripped me a new one. Not that I didn't feel bad already. Can you just respond to me, so I know that you're okay?


'Seriously. I'm a little worried. I don't really know you, but worrying is my thing. It's what I do. That sounded a lot less lame in my head. Please text me back. Even if it's just to tell me to fuck off.


The last one made me laugh. I hiccupped and wiped away my tears and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

'I wasn't trying to ignore you. It wasn't personal. I was ignoring everyone. I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Quit worrying so much. I've heard it's bad for you. I appreciate your concern, but I meant what I said. I really don't want to talk about it. Goodnight, Stiles.


I sighed. Is going to meet him a bad idea? I still wasn't sure, but I have already committed. I may as well check the rest of my messages.

'I'm so sorry, Bonnie. Sometimes, Stiles talks without thinking. Well, most of the time, he talks without thinking. I hope you're alright. I know that you're not and that you'll say that you're fine. That's okay, too. We're here, whenever you're tired of being alone. You don't have to talk.


I gaped at her message. It's eerie how smart she is.

'Thank you.


I kept my reply simple. I didn't think that it needed to be anything more. I'm not sure I could muster anything more, right now.

'I know that you're grieving and it's hard. I've been through that before. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out. That goes for both me and Natalie.


That was so thoughtful, but did she just send it out of the guilt of feeling obligated. Either way, I appreciate the sentiment. I send her the same reply that I sent to Lydia.

'Hey, this is Scott. I got your number from Lydia. If you're up for it, I'd like to introduce you to my pack. I'm not asking you to join. I don't really know you well enough. But, I think it might be good for everyone. Either way, it's your call. Just let me know if you feel up for it. No pressure.


'I will. Thanks.


I felt overwhelmed, again. I don't know why they all care. They don't even know me. I wasn't sure that I wanted to question it that much, either.

'I don't want to be intrusive, because I know that my friends have probably been blowing up your phone. But what they said goes for me, too. I lost my mom last year, so I know how hard it is. If you need to just cry next to someone or sit in silence while someone else is in the room, I'm here. I won't ask you to talk. I know that when something this terrible happens, sometimes there are no words.


Allison's message touched me deep in my core. I knew that she meant every word of it, because even though I just met her, I could tell that she was genuine.

'Thank you, so much.


My reply was short, because I was at a loss for words. Another message popped up, just as I was about to turn off my phone.

'Goodnight, Bonnie. I'll see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.


I got out of the bath and went through the motions of getting ready for bed. I felt beyond exhausted. I took some sleep aid and waited for sleep to take me.

Void Stiles' POV

She was everything and nothing that I expected her to be. Bonnie remains a paradox. Seeing her, and speaking with her, just fueled my need to know her even more. She's so perceptive. I could tell that she picked up that something wasn't quite right with me. I let my façade slip just a bit, on purpose. And she didn't disappoint.

Everything inside of me needs to claim her. Her power is intoxicating. Her body is perfect. She's strong and lethal and torn up inside. I've never seen a more delectable combination. My mind is reeling with all of the possibilities for her, for us. We could accomplish so much and we're just getting started.

She texted me back and I knew that I had her. She wouldn't back out now, because she would feel guilty, if she did. She already has enough guilt eating her alive. She wouldn't dare add onto it. She will meet me for coffee and I'll start wearing her down. She thinks that I'm charming, at the very least. I know that she finds my vessel attractive. I could sense her arousal, before I reminded her of her dead boyfriend. Who better than me to lick her wounds and kiss her better?

She has no idea what she's in for. I almost feel bad, but not quite. I'm not capable of actual remorse. Once I have her, no one will be able to stop me. Between her power and mine there will be nothing that we can't do. The world will tremble before us. I ache for the sweet turmoil that we will weave, once we wreak havoc on this world.

'So. Bonnie, huh?


I smirked at Lydia's message. She's already playing momma wolf – so protective.

'She's cute. Is asking her out really the worse thing to happen?


I replied, feigning innocence. Her response was immediate.

'No, of course not. Just be careful, okay? I don't know how stable she is. She's got a lot on her plate.


I rolled my eyes at her reply.

'I got it. Yes, mom. Don't worry.


'I only nag you, because I care.


'I love you, too, Lyds.


Playing Scott's pack was almost too easy. Stiles was so predictable. That made him easy to mimic. Nonetheless, the stakes went up, as soon as Bonnie came to town. The game just got interesting and I'll be damned if I lose.