
Despite wanting to spend the rest of the day alone, enjoying my solitude, Lydia forced me out of my bedroom. She saw the state I was in, after I got back from visiting the Nemeton. I ended up spending the day watching random movies with her and painting my nails. It was eerily normal and strangely therapeutic. Somehow, I think it's just what I needed. In a lot of ways, Lydia reminds me of Caroline. Every time that thought crosses my mind, my heart aches just a little for the life I left behind in Mystic Falls. I know that I'm better off here. There's no doubt in my mind, but try as I might, I can't help missing it.

She prattled on about past relationships and what was going on with the love lives in everyone in the pack. It was nice to talk about something other than death and the supernatural. I know that typically, that's my reality, but it's nice to remember that there is more to life than magic and pain.

"Okay, I need details about the date." She pried, with a knowing smirk. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, but I tried to ignore it.

"Everything about him catches me off guard. I know how lame that sounds, but it's true… He's just so different from anyone else I've ever met before. I literally sound like a giant cliché, but I feel drawn to him. There's something about him that lurks under the surface and I don't know why, but it pulls me in and I feel like a goner. Sometimes the way he says things or when he touches me… I don't know. He has this eerie way of making me feel completely exposed and for some reason I want to keep going back for more. I doubt this makes any sense. When we kissed, it felt like I was waking up. He has magic in him. I know that much. There's also so much that I don't know." I admitted. Lydia was really the only person here that I could talk to about this. I still had my reservations about everyone here, but I have to talk to someone. Lydia seems like someone I can trust.

"Wow." She mused. "Deaton did say that Stiles was a spark, but I didn't think that he was actually able to harness it." She thought, aloud.

"I don't think it was a conscious choice. I could just feel it. I'm strong enough in my abilities to feel magic in others. I know what to look for and what it feels like. Stiles has a lot of it. So do you." I told her. She gave me a thoughtful look, like she was mulling something over.

"I'm a banshee. You're a witch and I know what you are. So, telling you only seemed fair. I doubt you would purposefully cause me harm, though. That's not your aura. You're a giver, a nurturer, a protector. I saw you coming to Beacon Hills long before you came… I just didn't know who you were or why you were coming. Now I do. We're going to be good friends, Bonnie." She decided. Just like that, I knew that she was being truthful and forthcoming. She stated it like it was fact and it would come to be, just like she predicted. It probably will. From all of my experience, I've learned that visions come for a reason and we shouldn't doubt them. They always come to pass.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." I said.

"Can you tell me about Jeremy? Tell me what happened? From everything that my aunt has told me and from what you've told me, there was more to his death. Wasn't there?" She asked. I sighed with a nod.

"I'll tell you. It's a long story, though. You should get comfortable." I warned. She did as I suggested and I began my tale. I told her about Elena and how she became the infatuation of the Salvatore brothers. I told her about my reservations, because of all the blood I sensed from Stefan's past. Everything spilled out. I didn't stop talking, until I had told her everything that had happened. Then, we just sat in silence. She looked pensive. My mind was reeling with all of the memories that had been dragged to the surface. It made everything feel so fresh, so raw.

"After everything that happened, I can't believe it took you so long to leave. What you went through… I'm just glad you're out of there." Lydia breathed. I nodded in agreement. "If you need anything, I'm here. I just have this feeling that we're meant to be in each other's lives. I don't know how else to explain it. Your aura – your magic – it feels like it belongs here. It's cohesive in a way that I wouldn't have thought possible. I'm not trying to push our pack onto you, but will you at least consider it? I have this feeling in my gut that it'll be a good match."

"I'll consider it." I agreed.

"That's all I ask."

I couldn't settle the whirling feelings inside me. Lydia agreed to go for a walk with me. This is new, coming to the Nemeton with someone else. I knew that Lydia could sense some of the magic in it, too, but it seemed to affect her differently. As soon as I touched it, I started to feel renewed. There was something else, I was picking up magic from a different source. It felt familiar and foreign, all at the same time. It gave me goosebumps and raised the hairs on the back of my neck. I used my magic to feel around for it. It was almost like the name of whatever it was, was on the tip of my tongue, but I forgot the word. I could feel it getting closer, when I could make a body coming towards me.

"Stiles," I breathed. He smirked as he took me in. Lydia seemed entranced by the Nemeton and didn't notice him approaching us. I stepped closer to him and further away from her. My magic was humming happily and I felt drunk off of the power. He touched the side of my face, when I reached him. His lips curved into a grin and I felt cemented to where I was standing. He has so much more magic than I could feel before. "What are you?" I asked, trying to feel him out. I was getting flickers of dark magic cloaked in mystery. I wanted more. I wanted to figure him out.

"I'm a spark." He answered. There was truth to his answer, but there was more that he was hiding.

"You're more than that." I replied. I couldn't remember why I came out here with Lydia. I couldn't focus on much else, besides Stiles. He made my body come to life and I wanted more. I touched my lips to his and he hissed against me. He backed me up against a tree behind us and fused our bodies closer together. I pressed myself as close as I could to him and did my best to keep up with his advances. When he kissed me, if felt like sin and I wanted to drown in it.

"Mine," he whispered, moving his mouth to my neck. I groaned and tried to keep myself from losing control. I barely know him. I probably shouldn't even be doing this much. It's too soon. It's too much… But I don't want it to stop. I can't get enough of him. I want more. I'm the moth and he's the flame. I'm ready to burn.

"Kiss me." I gasped. It didn't take long for him to deliver a bruising kiss to my lips. His hand pulled me closer to him, before snaking up the back of my shirt. He rocked our hips together and I was panting against him. I clutched his shirt in my hands and kissed him back. He bit my bottom lip and I cried out, as I tasted blood. He ran his tongue over my cut, before delving into my mouth. He set the pace and I was scrambling to keep up. His hand trailed to my abdomen and began to unbutton my jeans. I stilled against him, but he made no move to slow down. He dipped his hand inside my pants and I pushed him away. I leaned against the tree and tried to catch my breath. I ran a hand through my hair and fixed my clothes. He looked at me with a hungry expression in his eyes. He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. That was too aggressive." He apologized.

"It was too soon for that. I'm not sleeping with you, Stiles." I told him, still breathless.

"Of course not. I don't know what came over me." He apologized, again. "I will be more of a gentleman from now on."

"As long as you don't try to get into my pants, we won't have an issue." I replied. He nodded, sheepishly. "Why are you out here?" I asked him.

"I couldn't sleep. I thought maybe a walk would clear my head. My dad is working tonight at the station, so a change of scenery sounded like a good idea." He explained. I nodded.

"I would explain, but it's pretty self-explanatory what I was doing." I replied.

"Have you ever seen yourself, when you're connected with other magic like that? You look like a goddess. It surges through you and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I've never seen anything so beautiful or so powerful. You're amazing." He gushed. I blushed and dropped my gaze to the ground. I've never had anyone talk to me the way that he does.

"Thank you." I breathed, not really trusting my voice.

"I should get home, though. Do you want me to walk you back to Lydia?" He offered. I shook my head. She isn't far and I'd rather not ruin our moment.

"No, thank you, though." I declined.

"Can I text you?" He asked. I nodded. He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I felt myself instantly relax into his embrace. I don't know how he does it or what it is about him that I'm so drawn to. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please," I whispered. He bent down and touched his lips to mine. It was gentle and sweet. He made me feel things that I didn't think I would ever be able to feel again. Too soon, it was over. "Goodnight, Stiles." I said, as I walked back over to the Nemeton. Lydia hadn't budged and I doubt she realized that I was gone. I laid back on the Nemeton and let the power wash over me. I could feel all of the nature around us. I could feel Lydia. She reached forward and grabbed my hand. I felt pulled into a vision with her. I saw something dark wash over Beacon Hills. It was an ancient evil and it chilled me to my bones. Something about it felt so familiar, but I couldn't understand why. Lydia and I were going through spells trying to find something. Then Lydia was fighting. There was someone new, he was on fire and walking through the town. Scott and Stiles were there. Allison was shot with arrow. So many things were happening at once. Then, it ended. It felt like there was still so much more that we didn't see.

"What was that?" Lydia asked, coming out of the vision.

"A vision… Have you had that one before?" I asked her. She shook her head. I don't know what it means. I sat up and she sank down next to me. The Nemeton moved new magic through us and the sinking feeling slowly started to fade. Whatever that was is coming soon. I can't help the dread that is filling my body.

Void Stiles' POV

Every time I get closer to Bonnie, it gets harder to let her go. She continues to intoxicate me. I'm beyond infatuated with her. Tasting her after she absorbed the power from the Nemeton was almost too much. My cover slipped a little bit and it was beyond my control. It didn't slip long enough for her to see much, but I need to be more careful and reign it in. She is still too difficult for me to understand. She has so many layers. Her power is more than I could have imagined. I crave her.

She's responding to me perfectly. She responded to my advances, beautifully. I know that she wants me, too. The more time we spend together, the easier she will be to manipulate. I doubt that I will be able to control her completely, but I have a feeling that she will evolve into something dark enough to complement me. We are going to wreak havoc on this world and then we will rule it together.

I've been waiting for her all of my time in this world, I just didn't know it. Bonnie Bennett is going to be my queen. It's only a matter of time, until she knows it.