
I tossed and turned all night, filled with dread and lust. I knew enough about visions to know that what Lydia and I saw would surely come to pass. The only question was when. How much time did we still have? We're supposed to go to a pack meeting later, but I doubt that we will leave with any more answers than we have now. Between the vision and Stiles, my mind was going on overdrive.

I huffed and sat up to look at my alarm clock. It's three in the morning. I bit my lip and knew that I shouldn't do what I was about to, but at this point, can it really hurt? It's glaringly obvious that I wasn't going to sleep tonight. I got out my phone to text Stiles.

'Hey, sorry to bother you. I know it's late. I can't sleep. I keep thinking about you (this is not a booty call, I swear.) and a vision that Lydia and I shared at the Nemeton.


I sent the text and hoped that I didn't wake him. I laid back down on my bed and started at the ceiling. What did all of this even mean? I hoped that I would leave prophecies and the majority of the supernatural drama behind in Mystic Falls.

I didn't have to wait long for a reply. I clicked on Stiles' message and bit my lip, as I read it.

'You didn't wake me up. I was thinking about you, too. Lmao. You don't seem like the booty call type, though, if you ever wanted to start, let me know. ;) On a serious note – you shared a vision? It must've been a bad one, if it's keeping you up. Do you want to talk about it?


I already felt better, after reading his response. Did I want to talk about it? Yes. Did I also want to kiss him, until I couldn't feel my lips anymore? Also, yes. Was it a good idea? Probably not. Was I going to do it anyway, while I still felt brave? Yes.

'Yes, but I don't want to keep you up, either.


I barely had time to send the message, before my phone was ringing. I scrambled to answer it, trying not to wake up Lydia and her family.

"Hello?" I breathed. I heard Stiles suck in a breath, like he hadn't been expecting me to actually answer.

"Hey, sorry, I figured it would be easier, if I just called. I didn't know if you wanted to talk like this, or if you wanted me to come over. Either is fine with me. I haven't been sleeping well lately, either." He offered. I bit down on my lip, reopening the cut that he gave me earlier.

"I would rather talk in person, if that's okay. If not, that's totally fine. I can't get my mind wrapped around everything. Whatever is coming is dark – really dark. Lydia seemed spooked. I'm scared, Stiles." I admitted.

"We'll find a way to beat it. We always do here, in Beacon Hills. I'll be over in ten. Okay? I'll text you, when I'm outside, so we don't wake everyone up." He assured me.

"Thanks, Stiles. I appreciate it. Drive safe." I told him, as I ended the call.

It took him less than ten minutes. Soon enough, I was letting Stiles inside and leading him to my room. His hand was in mine and it unnerved me with how natural it felt. I didn't want to let him go. What am I doing?

He followed me into my room and closed the door behind us. I looked down at our hands and bit my lip. I'm not ready to let him go. Why do I feel so strongly towards him? It's too soon for that. But… I can't help myself.

"Come here," he whispered, as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me. I immediately relaxed in his embrace. He made me feel better. As much as being around Stiles puts me on edge, it also makes me feel safe. That's definitely something that I'm not used to. "It's going to work out. We can try to prepare for the wort, but there's only so much we can actually do." He told me. He was right. I knew that he was. That didn't make not worrying any easier.

"We're supposed to meet with the pack later today to talk strategy." I admitted. He nodded, like he had already heard. "Thanks for coming. I'm sorry to drag you all the way over here. Out of everyone here, I really only talk to you and Lydia… She was wiped. I didn't want to wake her."

"I'm glad you did. I couldn't sleep. I'd rather be here with you, than staring at the ceiling in my bed." He reassured me. I nodded, as I looked up at him.

"Will you… will you stay tonight? Or, I guess this morning." I asked, before I lost my nerve. He nodded and let go of me. He took off his shoes and jacket. I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly remembering that my pajamas didn't cover much. I was in an old crop top and short sleep shorts. Stiles started to take off his jeans and hesitated.

"It's fine, Stiles. I don't expect you to sleep dressed in your clothes." I promised. He gave me a sheepish grin, before shedding his jeans and shirt. We laid down on my bed, awkwardly. He got comfortable, then opened his arms up to me. I snuggled next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head and I released the breath that I had been holding. How does he affect me so much? I tilted my head up, so I could look at him and study his face. He gazed down at me and I felt my cheeks starting to burn. I was glad that my lights were off, so he wouldn't see me blushing.

"I know that you won't believe me and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but you're the most beautiful woman that I've ever laid eyes on. You don't even have to try, Bonnie. You just are. You're open and unapologetically yourself. You're trying so hard to keep it together, but you never hide that you're still falling apart. You're so damn powerful, even though you don't see it, yourself. You're still here and fighting." He confessed. My blush deepened and my heart raced. I do try to hide it. I try every day to put a brave face on and try to function through my grief. Is that really how he sees me?

"I'm not that strong." I argued, as my voice cracked. "I do try to hide it. I'm drowning and just trying to stay afloat. I don't know how to do anything else or how to be anyone else." I whispered, as tears fell down my cheeks. I hiccuped and tried to pull it together. I didn't want him to see me lose it.

"You're so much stronger than you realize." He corrected me. I was at a loss for words. I tried to swallow to growing lump in my throat, but it didn't work.

He touched his lips to mine and the tears crashed down with full force. He makes me feel so raw and so naked. I don't know how it always feels like he sees right through me. He wiped away my tears, but didn't break our kiss. I clung to him in a way that scared me. I'm not this girl. Everything felt so overwhelming, but breathing Stiles in… it helps. It felt like we were magnetic and I couldn't get enough.

He deepened the kiss and his hands began to wander. I didn't stop him. I didn't want to. He moved his mouth to my neck and I moaned. I could feel him marking my skin and it was driving me wild. He traced my hipbone, before moving his hand up my torso. He took his time, before slipping his hand under my shirt. I gasped, as his thumb brushed my nipple. This was moving fast, too fast, and I wanted it. I knew that I would regret it and I didn't care.

"Stiles," I gasped, as I broke our kiss. He moved his mouth to my neck and bit down. I shuddered against him. He kissed his way down my body. He paused, to take my shirt off. I let him and wondered if I was making the right choice. His mouth latched onto my nipple and I squirmed underneath him. He moved his hand into my sleep shorts and I cursed.

"Bonnie, if you're not okay with this, tell me to stop now… Tell me to stop and I'll stop." Stiles spoke up, as he slowed down his ministrations. It was hard to concentrate on what he was saying, while he touched me in just the right way.

"I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but I don't want you to stop." I moaned. He smirked and kissed his way back down my torso. He slipped my shorts and underthings off with ease. I shivered, as he kissed my thighs. My breath hitched, as he slipped a finger inside of me. His tongue touched my clit and I cried out. He moved with expert precision. I felt the coil tightening up in my stomach. I knew that I was coming soon. I didn't stand a chance. It had been so long and Stiles knew exactly how to touch me. "Stiles!" I gasped, as my back arched and I came against him. His fingers slowed, as he let me ride out my release.

"You taste so good." He groaned. I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to calm down. Did that really just happen? Am I going to let it go further? "As much as I would love to keep going, we should stop. This is fast and I don't want you to regret anything that happens between us." He said, as he kissed his way back up my body. He pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. I didn't feel as emotional. I felt sated.

"Thank you." I breathed, as he wrapped his arms around me. I shivered, as I felt the aftershocks of the orgasm he gave me. I couldn't get over how comfortable I felt with him.

"We should try to sleep. They'll want us up soon enough." He murmured. I stifled a yawn, while I enjoyed lying in his arms.

"What about you? I can help." I offered, pulling away, just enough to look at him. His eyes darkened at my suggestion and I knew that he wanted it. My hand trailed into his boxer briefs.

"No, not tonight. I don't want to push things." He declined. I moved my hand away, surprised. He's so hard for me to get a read on. "Kiss me." He said, instead. I pressed my lips to his and did as he asked. He felt me up with one hand and started to touch himself with the other. Between his ministrations and the kiss, I felt myself getting lost in him again. Soon, he was grunting and I knew that he finished.

"Let's shower, then sleep." I suggested. We're going to be surrounded by werewolves in the morning. The last thing I want them knowing is that we were fooling around.

It didn't take us long to clean up. Showering with Stiles felt strangely domestic. There's still so much that I don't know about him. He has a lot more power than he's letting on. I can't tell if it's purposeful or not.

"You're thinking too hard." He whispered as we lay down. I looked up at him and sighed. He's right. I know he is.

"I'm trying not to," I admitted. He chuckled.

"I know. Try to sleep. Maybe we can go by the Nemeton in the morning. Sometimes, it helps me clear my head." He offered. I nodded, against him.

"It does the same for me."

"Perfect." He mused, before kissing my head. "Thanks for letting me come over tonight. I feel like both of us needed it. I feel calmer around you."

"I should be thanking you for coming." I yawned. I cuddled up closer to him and began to drift off to sleep.